Monday, February 3, 2025

trying to relax

We had a good weekend here at our casa.  I tried to -relax, limit the news, focus on family.  The reason - because the country is a giant mess right now.  I try to keep my blog as politics free as I can.  Truth is, I have always loved arguing politics.  Jim sometimes looks at me like I am crazy, sometimes he even argues back, but this isn't a difference of policies, a difference of opinions of what is important, what is needed in the country.  This is a true disaster.  A president who is overriding congress with executive order after executive order, who has nobody holding him accountable.  Who has now violated the constitution multiple times, who allows a private citizen access to classified information when that citizen has not passed any security clearance, and now has access to the treasury? Who is firing people who stand up to him.  And who has extremely wealthy friends who own the media.  Who wants to reopen Guantanamo as a detention center (aka concentration camp)....I am sorry, but as a person who has paid attention to politics, and who loves history, this is a little too much like Germany 1933 for me.  And half the country still doesn't understand.  They think he is cleaning up the government and only deporting "criminals."  Meanwhile, the tariffs he imposed will be driving up prices, if not making things inaccessible for the general pubic.  It is really hard to not pay attention.  It is really hard for me to stop watching the news.  It is really hard to not pick up the phone more than once a day to leave yet another message for our legislators.  I have been calling, and emailing them all daily.  And why does it matter?  Because I have children, and grandchildren who deserve so much more than this.  Who deserve to have laws followed, who deserve the checks and balances to work the way they were intended,. who deserve to understand that the world is all filled with people who are the same - just trying to make a life for themselves, without the government prosecuting their lifestyle, or limiting how they can conduct business.  That the ideals of democracy are worth protection, but also fragile.  OK I will stop, but just know that I am praying that something is done, that someone will uphold the duties they swore to uphold.  And if I have to make more calls, I will, if I have to go protest, I will, and I will do whatever it takes to protect my own.

Ok where was I?  Oh yea, relaxing.  
I attended a nice shower for my nephew's fiancé - Hannah.  I went with my mom and sister.  It was nice to have a little time to visit with them.  We had to drive to Madison, which I am fairly certain we took our Madison to when she was little - to show her the town she shared a name with - and I think I have a picture someplace of her standing with the Madison sign.  If you know me, you probably know that this blog has been a life saver as far as organizing family photos goes.  From the times before the blog, you might remember - the days of film and printed photos, I have tubs and tubs of old photos.  My sister in law has graciously offered to organize them for me, but I just have never taken her up on her offer.  I keep telling myself someday I will have a space that I can set up and go through them all, and organize them.  Man I am all over the place today.  Anyway, I am excited for Gavin and Hannah, they are sweet people, and I am excited to welcome Hannah officially into the family!  
After the shower, I made Saige go to town with me to get groceries.  I like to shop at Checkers, but you have to sack your own groceries there, and we were out of everything, so having a sack-helper was necessary.  She was NOT happy about it!  

On Sunday, I had a list.  The list was long.  The house was a mess, the laundry was piled, I had a shelf I wanted to paint for Preston's room, and we had a bunch of stuff that needed done down in the barn.  The girls and Jim helped me and we knocked out quite a lot of stuff.  We were not finished when Madison and her family came over.  The girls wanted to help!  Wrenley likes to be called "farmer Wrenley" and take stuff out to feed the chickens.  Evelyn helped me paint the shelf.  Madison worked on the dinner that I had started, and that freed me up to keep moving on other things, Mallory showed up and cleaned my deck off while I painted and the girls played.  It was absolutely beautiful outside!  I am in full-on spring fever mode now!  

Jim moved a few panels so we could fix the fence because Betty keeps escaping!  I have a love/hate with goats.  I love how friendly and easy to handle they are.  I love when I call them, and they all come running, even if they are out.  I hate that they constantly escape, and that no fence is ever quite adequate enough to contain them.  I was once told "if you throw water at the fence and it goes through, so will the goats."  I have found this to be 100% accurate.  And honesty, I would not care if they just hung out in the yard, except that they can't just stand there and make it where I don't have to mow, ohhh noooo they have to eat my bushes, my garden, and anything else that I don't want them to eat.  They are menaces!
Babe (Evelyn's goat) and Kendra (Quincy's goat) are both due to have babies next month.  They are looking good, and I am praying the warm weather is here for good by the time they kid.  

And look at my widdle pony - he is such a good boy!

It isn't child labor if they want to help, right?  
They work for cheap!  I gave them each one ice cream bar in exchange for an afternoon of labor!
Notice Wrenley's head?  She wiped out at home.  I would say I am surprised but.....

It was such a nice day that when I had to run meet Jim because he forgot his keys, I couldn't help but roll the windows down and breathe the fresh air.  Carlos approved!

This week is a little bit crazy with stuff to run to.  I am happy we were able to accomplish most of my list, and had a little time to hang out.


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