Thursday, October 31, 2019

26th Anniversary

Yesterday was Jim and my 26th anniversary.  Looking back over past anniversaries, we have moved, moved again, gone on vacations, went costume shopping, always seem to be making treats for class parties, and I think one year we had a fight.   I would almost rather do any of those things over the day we had yesterday.  Well....maybe not moving, but I digress.  
Yesterday was a stupid day.  It started when my deodorant broke in the morning, followed by me flinging dog poop onto my shirt and having to change clothes, bus defrosters not working,  and did not get better anywhere in between.  It seemed to be a day where nothing could ever go right.  We were supposed to have a fun evening at home carving pumpkins, doing crafts, and making class treats.  That was the plan.  I was excited to have a night off of teaching RE, and the kids were excited about a family fun night.

As I was driving the bus route home, all I could think about was how happy I would be to finally get home.  I dropped off my last kid, glanced at my phone, and saw that I had 5 or 6 missed calls from Preston.  My kids do not call me.  They text.  They snap.  They would sooner use smoke signals than actually talk on the phone, so I knew something was wrong.  I called him back to find that he had (illegally) driven a friend home to Carbondale when the weight lifting class they were going to attend got cancelled.  After dropping his friend off, he cut through the country, swerved to miss hitting a deer and wrecked his van into a ditch, popped 2 tires and was stuck.  He had a second friend in the car when this happened (also illegal) and when I didn't answer the phone, he had called Chayt's dad who was on his way to rescue them both.  Thankfully nobody was hurt.  Thankfully Chayt's dad is an understanding man and was not mad.  Thankfully, Preston knew he was in trouble and started his explanation with an apology,  I am a little easier to calm down if you are actually sorry for what you did.  Colin was home last evening, so Colin, Jim and Preston went to change the tires on the van, take the rims to Wal-Mart for new tires, and then go back and put them on the van.  They were gone for a really long time.  

Since we didn't know how long they would be gone, we plodded ahead with the carving and class treat making.  I had to deal with an issue with some people who are buying a puppy.  The treat making took a long time.  Harper lost her headband for her costume and had a royal cry festival, and then we got a text that Jim had rear ended Preston's van with the new truck when they were working on getting the tires changed.  The truck we haven't made a single payment on yet.  Thankfully Jim was not hurt, because he had gotten out of the truck without putting it in park and had been caught up in the seatbelt.  The truck was also not hurt, and Preston's van only has a minor ding.  Things could have been so much worse.  So much worse.  I am thankful nobody was hurt.  The boys had a lot of trouble getting the tires back on, so Andrew went over with his floor jack.  Having the tires back, Preston headed for home only to overheat.  So this weekend, poor Andrew is going to look at the van to see what he messed up.  It doesn't really matter that the van is mechanically down since he won't be driving again any time soon.  

I can't even list all of the other stuff that went to crap yesterday, there is just not enough time in my day.  I just hope it is not an indication of how this year is going to go.  I will say we were successful at getting costume pieces found, pumpkins carved, class treats finished, puppies sufficiently cleaned up, puppy issues somewhat resolved, and still managed to get in bed before midnight!

I am not one who likes to dwell on the bad stuff.  I get mad, I cuss a little and then I move on.  I have too much to be thankful for to be stuck in a grouchy mood.  I am extremely glad that Jim picked me, and that I picked him back.  We don't always do stuff the way it should be done.  Our kids are not perfect.  We sometimes fight.  And occasionally, a really bad day falls on a day that was supposed to be fun, romantic, or at the very least good.  I still wouldn't want to do any of it, the good or the bad without Jim by my side.  I am truly a blessed girl.  Here is hoping that today is a much, much better day!

Monday, October 28, 2019

The weekend went to the dogs

We had big plans this weekend.  I thought we would take the kids to the pumpkin patch, we needed to go Halloween costume shopping, we were out of groceries, I still have no dryer - so laundry and clothesline usage,  and we had a nephew turning 9.  I also started advertising the puppies and had an appointment to get their shots Friday evening.  Little thing about puppies - they are amazing and awesome for the first 3-4 weeks.  Then they start to be really messy, smelly and almost gross.  One puppy is awesome - 8 in a small space is not good.  I am looking forward to them leaving for their forever homes. Friday evening, the girls and I loaded up and took the puppies all to town for their shots.  They all had physicals and checked out healthy, and got their first shots.  We took them home, and tried to enjoy what was left of the evening.  I thought I would get up early, hang out a couple of loads of laundry and while it was drying we would go to the pumpkin patch.  When I went down to start the laundry, I noticed one puppy wasn't jumping and playing like the others.  I didn't think much of it.  I held down the momma dog and let the puppies eat (she has been weaning them but they cry and I wasn't feeling like listening to them).  I then held her so just the sleepy one could eat.  Next load, the puppy still wasn't up and playing.  This went on all morning.  Around noon, I decided I would take the puppy upstairs with me and see if I could get him to eat something without the other puppy competition for food and attention.  When I picked him up, he had a seizure.  Not what I was going for.  When he stopped seizing, he just laid on a towel in the living room.  I forced some water and watched for a little while.  Put in a call to the vet and waited.  

I was rather upset because this is one of the ones that was already sold.  I was dreading calling our friend and telling her that the puppy she picked out had passed away.  We knew that the vet would take a while to get back with us, and I know enough about animal care to know that he needed to stay hydrated, so I spent the whole afternoon dripping water and soup broth into him.  Not what I had planned to do with my Saturday.  The girls were so worried about the puppy that they did not even care about our ruined fall fun plans.  Our vet is an amazing vet, but he keeps weird hours.  We really do love and trust him and his wife.  When he finally got back with us, we rushed the puppy in and decided the pup would stay overnight with them getting IV fluids and nutrients.  The dog didn't have a fever and didn't appear to be sick to its stomach, but it was lethargic and pitiful.  

We had dropped off the dog Mallory picked out after the vet appointment.  I am very, very thankful that Olive was not affected by her shots, or sick.  I know Mallory would have been devastated.  She had picked this puppy out the day it was born and has been collecting dog toys and fancy collars for her.  Also, I think in the 2 days since Mallory took Olive home, I have gotten more photos of the dog than I have of Evelyn in the 10 months since she has been born!  haha!  

We went to the TJ's for  Clayton's birthday dinner.  We enjoyed an evening eating at the bar, and visiting with family.  

I think Clayton had a fun time too!  

And I love this picture of Evie staring down G-pop.  
Sunday morning, after mass, the vet called.  He said that the sick pup was feeling a lot better, but was acting like he couldn't see.  We agreed that I would come and pick him up, although I told Jim if he was blind, I would probably have to put him down.  This made the girls cry.  We brought him home, with instructions to keep him warm and hydrated.  The vet thinks that he had an allergic reaction to his shot and it caused some problems for him.  We watched him all afternoon and evening.  He is eating well now, and seems to be perkier, although he isn't as playful and energetic as the others.  I really don't think he is blind, but we are watching him closely.  
Jim and Preston wanted to watch football, so they agreed to be on puppy watching duty while I took the girls costume shopping and got groceries.  Let me tell you, Jim got the better end of that deal!  Saige picked out no less than 20 costumes, only to put them back because she changed her mind.  Five stores, a few moments of near tears, and some harassment from her sisters, and I can say that Saige now has a costume for Thursday.  Now if we can just get the weather to cooperate!
We never made it to the pumpkin patch, and I saw on facebook they were sold out.  We bought a couple of craft projects and some pumpkins from Walmart and plan to have a fun evening this week instead.  Adaptability is a life skill.  I am thankful that the puppy is ok, and happy that I got to spend precious time with my family!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Basketball season!

Quincy had her first basketball game last night.  The girls have been practicing for a  couple weeks, and Quincy was still doing football stuff.  We had explained to the coach, and she understood, but since Quincy went to exactly 3 basketball practices, I didn't know how much she would get to play.  She played quite a bit, and did a great job!  She likes basketball, and is pretty intense, just like we like her!  Her team won their first game. (Quincy is #44 in white).  I was pleased because she got the same number as last year which means all the shirts/hoodies we purchased last year still work!  It's the little things!  :)  

This week has been a little weird, and a lot busy.  It is Red Ribbon week, which translates to spirit week at Carbondale school.  My girls were not too excited about participating.  Quincy said the school counselor purposefully picked lame theme days so that nobody would dress up because she is anti-fun and anti-kid.  Quincy does have her opinions on stuff!  We were also notified that the Carbondale principal resigned this week.  There are a lot of rumors going around, and we don't know what is true or what isn't, but she is gone.  This thrown into a week where the kids are already crazy with dressing up, and the timing is horrible.  My shuttle kids have been absolutely ridiculous.  That is post for another day!  Today is meme day.  I have no idea what Quincy nor Landrie is supposed to be, but I did see Quincy painting Landrie on the bus on the way to school.  That is a pretty trusting friend!  

I have to come to work in order to relax!   I got a giant kick out of Evie stealing GG's phone.  She wanted to see the new pictures of her cousin Miriam too!  
Fingers crossed for some down time this weekend!  (Not likely, but a girl can dream). 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

step in to the crazy

This week has been absolutely nuts with stuff going on.  Work is busy, kid activities have us running, normal weekly obligations have not gone away, and we were too busy last weekend to finish stuff at home, so we are playing catch up there as well!  I am ready for the weekend and feeling sad that it is only Thursday!

This week, Quincy (#62 in white) wrapped up her football season by beating Wellsville.  More than likely, it was also a wrap up to her football career.  She enjoyed playing and the season. Her team was undefeated in league play and they are the league champions.  She didn't have much to say about it.  I heard her coach ask her if she was going to play in high school and she said she doubted it.  I think it is a hard place for a girl.  In junior high, she is about the same size as the other players, but they will continue to grow and she probably won't.  It isn't that it cannot be done, but it is just hard for anyone to be knocked around by people twice their size.  Time will tell, and we would never discourage our kids from doing the things they want to do, but I would be fine with her getting a new hobby.  Not the "football is dangerous" argument for me, but the "mom doesn't enjoy sitting outside when it is cold!"
She has her first basketball game this evening.  We don't need no breaks!  :)  

We finally made Preston his birthday cake.  He seemed super happy about it!  He is a good kid, and I am so glad he is patient and didn't feel neglected when we didn't get it done on his actual birthday!

Overbrook school had a fall festival.  Saige got to invite a guest, and she asked grandma to come along.  Clayton also needed a guest, so she had her hands full decorating pumpkins, and eating desserts with these 2 squirrels.  They had a fun time!  

Saige has several friends who she hangs out with.  They are a lot of sass in one place!  I am happy that she has so many kids whose families I know that she likes to hang out with.  We do not have that luxury with all of our kids.  Jordyn and Lylah's families I have literally known my whole life.  We won't mention that I used to babysit for Jordyn's dad when I was a high school student.  :)  

This little sweet pea is 10 months old today!  She is the happiest, most content, easy-going kid ever!  We love her so much!  I am having a hard time believing that it has been 10 months since we were surprised by her arrival into the world!  

Harper's teacher has a reading challenge each week.  This week it was "red" for red ribbon week.  They were to read with something red, or while wearing red.  Harper decided to read with Ollie the red border collie.  Ollie was not too eager to pose for a picture with her!  

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sunday funday

A couple of weeks ago, I told Quincy I would take her and Landrie to the exotic animal auction in Yates Center.  When the date rolled around, the weekend was crazy and we just didn't make it.  So I promised them we would go to Clay Center.  Quincy had her eyes on a tortoise she thought she needed.  We loaded up early and headed out.  It was an awesomely fun day, but the tortoises sold for a lot more money than we wanted to spend.  Luckily, Quincy's wasn't too heartbroken.  I was a little bit sad that I had no way to get a llama home, because a couple of them sold really cheap!  Jim was not sad that I didn't take a trailer.  We need to make a note of this day, because we left an auction empty handed!  

On the way home, we stopped off to see Cameron.  Unfortunately, he didn't get off work as early as he thought he would be, so we had to go see him at the Texas Roadhouse.  He was happy to see us, even if it was only for a few minutes. the happiness might have been because we brought him a box of corndogs, but we will take it!  
I do love me some Cameron!  And auctions!  It was a great day!   

Preston's 15th birthday

Saturday was Preston's 15th birthday.  He was treated to a trip to the Lineman's Olympics with Colin and Spencer.  He had a great time.  Colin's contract technically doesn't start until November 1st, so he could not compete this year, but says he will try it next year.  They said it was a great event.  Preston was happy to spend some time with his brother.  He also said he got some cool free stuff.  Always a bonus.

Harper was invited to go to World's of Fun and spend the night in a hotel with a friend from school.  The problem we had was that we just don't know these people at all.  She was sad when I originally said no, and the mom did make an effort to get to know us by coming to meet up with me at the football game.  We agreed since she had already purchased tickets that I would drive Harper up to Kansas City and meet them, and then take her back home when they were done.  This was the compromise plan.  The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea to just take the other 3 younger kids for Preston's birthday at World's of Fun.  They all love going there.  So that is what we did.  We met up with Colin to pick up Preston, and off we went.  Preston thought that seemed like an amazing way to spend his birthday!

The only problem we had was that it was one of the last weekends for World's of fun to be open, and they had their annual Haunt night.  I swear I have been there probably a dozen or more times and have never seen it like this.  It was wall to wall people.  They had beer tents set up for adults.  They closed all of the little kid rides so that the workers could become part of the Haunt.  They had haunted houses, and an insane atmosphere.  It would have been fun if there had been half as many people there.  As it was, the lines were terrible, the waiting was terrible, the ability to walk between the rides was terrible.  It was terrible.  And I felt really bad.  Bad that it wasn't very much fun because of the lines, and bad because the cost to get in there is actually also terrible.  

We were there for about 5 hours and the kids only rode 2 rides or so each.  We also remembered that this a bad place to take a kid when they are 7-9 years old because the little rides are too little, and the kids are too short to ride the roller coasters.  I actually felt sorriest for Saige.  She did not want to ride the "baby" rides, and she was too short to get on the big stuff.  She ended up walking around with me.  We looked over the amazingly cool decorations, and went to the Haunt Parade.  The parade was really awesome, but it was so dark that none of my photos turned out.  Saige also had fun eating cotton candy and posing beside stuff so I could take pictures of the decorations.  They really spared no expense when it came to the cool décor.  

After waiting almost 2 hours for each ride, Preston and Quincy asked if we could just leave.  They were disappointed.  Luckily, Harper's group grew weary around the same time, so we just left.  Harper rode a big roller coaster, and was excited that she didn't chicken out....however her glasses flew off her face midway through so she was sad because she had to spend the rest of the evening being blind.  World's of Fun would not stop and look for her glasses.  I understand, but she doesn't have the glasses just for literally left her without being able to see the rest of the evening.  Luckily, she has a spare pair.  

The kids were talking about how the park went way overboard with the fog machines.  I took this picture to show that even the parking lot was foggy!  
I am sorry that the park wasn't a more fun thing for the kids to do on Preston's birthday.  Preston is such a good kid!  We are very blessed to have him in our family!  I will make him his pizza and chocolate later this week!