Thursday, October 31, 2019

26th Anniversary

Yesterday was Jim and my 26th anniversary.  Looking back over past anniversaries, we have moved, moved again, gone on vacations, went costume shopping, always seem to be making treats for class parties, and I think one year we had a fight.   I would almost rather do any of those things over the day we had yesterday.  Well....maybe not moving, but I digress.  
Yesterday was a stupid day.  It started when my deodorant broke in the morning, followed by me flinging dog poop onto my shirt and having to change clothes, bus defrosters not working,  and did not get better anywhere in between.  It seemed to be a day where nothing could ever go right.  We were supposed to have a fun evening at home carving pumpkins, doing crafts, and making class treats.  That was the plan.  I was excited to have a night off of teaching RE, and the kids were excited about a family fun night.

As I was driving the bus route home, all I could think about was how happy I would be to finally get home.  I dropped off my last kid, glanced at my phone, and saw that I had 5 or 6 missed calls from Preston.  My kids do not call me.  They text.  They snap.  They would sooner use smoke signals than actually talk on the phone, so I knew something was wrong.  I called him back to find that he had (illegally) driven a friend home to Carbondale when the weight lifting class they were going to attend got cancelled.  After dropping his friend off, he cut through the country, swerved to miss hitting a deer and wrecked his van into a ditch, popped 2 tires and was stuck.  He had a second friend in the car when this happened (also illegal) and when I didn't answer the phone, he had called Chayt's dad who was on his way to rescue them both.  Thankfully nobody was hurt.  Thankfully Chayt's dad is an understanding man and was not mad.  Thankfully, Preston knew he was in trouble and started his explanation with an apology,  I am a little easier to calm down if you are actually sorry for what you did.  Colin was home last evening, so Colin, Jim and Preston went to change the tires on the van, take the rims to Wal-Mart for new tires, and then go back and put them on the van.  They were gone for a really long time.  

Since we didn't know how long they would be gone, we plodded ahead with the carving and class treat making.  I had to deal with an issue with some people who are buying a puppy.  The treat making took a long time.  Harper lost her headband for her costume and had a royal cry festival, and then we got a text that Jim had rear ended Preston's van with the new truck when they were working on getting the tires changed.  The truck we haven't made a single payment on yet.  Thankfully Jim was not hurt, because he had gotten out of the truck without putting it in park and had been caught up in the seatbelt.  The truck was also not hurt, and Preston's van only has a minor ding.  Things could have been so much worse.  So much worse.  I am thankful nobody was hurt.  The boys had a lot of trouble getting the tires back on, so Andrew went over with his floor jack.  Having the tires back, Preston headed for home only to overheat.  So this weekend, poor Andrew is going to look at the van to see what he messed up.  It doesn't really matter that the van is mechanically down since he won't be driving again any time soon.  

I can't even list all of the other stuff that went to crap yesterday, there is just not enough time in my day.  I just hope it is not an indication of how this year is going to go.  I will say we were successful at getting costume pieces found, pumpkins carved, class treats finished, puppies sufficiently cleaned up, puppy issues somewhat resolved, and still managed to get in bed before midnight!

I am not one who likes to dwell on the bad stuff.  I get mad, I cuss a little and then I move on.  I have too much to be thankful for to be stuck in a grouchy mood.  I am extremely glad that Jim picked me, and that I picked him back.  We don't always do stuff the way it should be done.  Our kids are not perfect.  We sometimes fight.  And occasionally, a really bad day falls on a day that was supposed to be fun, romantic, or at the very least good.  I still wouldn't want to do any of it, the good or the bad without Jim by my side.  I am truly a blessed girl.  Here is hoping that today is a much, much better day!

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