Monday, October 14, 2019

Long weekend

When I say long weekend, I meant in days, because everyone knows weekends never last long enough, even when you get an extra day, or 2!  The kids had a 4 day weekend.  I do not know why, and I don't care, since it was needed!  Jim was scheduled to be in some sort of a conference this weekend, so knowing he would be gone all weekend, including today, which is my birthday, he took me out for my birthday lunch early.  The bar had a shrimp special on Thursday, and although I am not the fondest of seafood, it was amazingly good!  My lunch dates were both cute, but this one is adorable!  She is 9 months old, and it is safe to say, she loves bar food!  

Since the kids had Friday off of school. I scheduled them all dentist appointments.  When we got there, the dentist told me that Quincy has an abscessed tooth, with the root exposed.  She never said a word about it hurting.  She says it doesn't bother her unless she gets food caught in the tooth.  Whatever kid.  She will be going back in for some more dental work soon.  Preston will be going with her.  Dentist day somehow turned into getting lunch and groceries too!  The kids were pretty helpful, and they have a new favorite lunch - the 6 buck box at Dairy Queen.  At least they are cheap lunch dates!

Did I say helpful?  I didn't really need this type of help!  I have a whole lot more just like this.  Thanks boy.

Friday was cold.  Like 35 degrees cold with wind blowing.  I wasn't feeling football game ready, but Preston had to march in the half time show.  Jim said he would love to go watch the game, and would take pictures of Preston and I could stay home with the little girls, who would just whine the whole time anyway!  So that is what we did.  I made Jim promise to take pictures of Preston marching.  He did get pictures, but he made Quincy take them.  She edited them and everything!  :)  

Thanks Quincy!

I mentioned that Jim was in a conference all weekend.  He was gone Saturday, Sunday and it finishes today.  This left me to cover all the stuff that had been rescheduled on the same day!  Luckily, I have adult children and good friends!  Preston and I went to Ottawa to work his shifts in the demolition derby concession stand.  Every single time I am blown away by how busy this event is!  They had 120 cars entered.  We ran out of food before the event even started (it was supposed to start at 6 and when we left at 7 it had been delayed).  Bored rednecks eat!  When we left they were making a trip to the store for more food!

When we used the fairgrounds for the wedding, I was told I could use it for free in exchange for working the concessions stand for the fairboard's tractor pull.  Easy to say yes to a deal like that, but the rain caused it to be on the same night as the demolition derby.  I am so blessed in my life to have people who will help me.  Mallory and Quincy said they would cover it, and my friend Dusty, who certainly did not have to, also came in with Landrie.  They covered for me until I could get back.  The good Lord gave me some of the best people!   I didn't even complain that when I got back Quincy had started herself a tab, and had run up a sizable bill!  :)  

Since Jim was in Kansas City already, he was able to catch a wrestling match with Uncle Jay, where Jay's nephew was wrestling.  Jim also went to part of his 35th class reunion.  Man, Jim is getting old!!! 

Since Jim had the van, and the Buick is currently not running well, I asked Preston to give us a ride to church.  Do you see this?  He was eating a bowl of cereal - with a spoon and blasting me out with the worst music known to man!  We made it, but thankfully most of the drive is on quiet country roads!  

After mass, I watched Evie so that Madison could take Andrew to the doctor.  Andrew was not feeling well.  They gave him medicine for an ear infection, and he should be better in a couple days.  I am sorry Andrew is sick, but I sure do love hanging out with this sweet baby!  She is getting so big!  Trying to crawl, loves to clap, starting to jabber and absolutely keeps us all entertained.  The girls love playing with her!  She is the best little baby doll they ever had!  

The kids have no school again today.  I teased them saying they let school out for my birthday!  I can't believe I am already 28 years old!  :)  Time flies!  Jim is still in his conference, and today looks to be a little bit crazy!  Preston has had a back ache for about 3 weeks.  I am taking him into the doctor today to see if there is something they can do for him.  When I get back, I am driving the bus to Quincy's football game in Garnett.  The football team is eating pizza after the game - I told Quincy this is also for my birthday.  Because why not!  :)  This year has been a pretty great one.  I have so much to be thankful for, and have been blessed abundantly.  I am looking forward to seeing what is in store for me in the year to come!  

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