Monday, October 28, 2019

The weekend went to the dogs

We had big plans this weekend.  I thought we would take the kids to the pumpkin patch, we needed to go Halloween costume shopping, we were out of groceries, I still have no dryer - so laundry and clothesline usage,  and we had a nephew turning 9.  I also started advertising the puppies and had an appointment to get their shots Friday evening.  Little thing about puppies - they are amazing and awesome for the first 3-4 weeks.  Then they start to be really messy, smelly and almost gross.  One puppy is awesome - 8 in a small space is not good.  I am looking forward to them leaving for their forever homes. Friday evening, the girls and I loaded up and took the puppies all to town for their shots.  They all had physicals and checked out healthy, and got their first shots.  We took them home, and tried to enjoy what was left of the evening.  I thought I would get up early, hang out a couple of loads of laundry and while it was drying we would go to the pumpkin patch.  When I went down to start the laundry, I noticed one puppy wasn't jumping and playing like the others.  I didn't think much of it.  I held down the momma dog and let the puppies eat (she has been weaning them but they cry and I wasn't feeling like listening to them).  I then held her so just the sleepy one could eat.  Next load, the puppy still wasn't up and playing.  This went on all morning.  Around noon, I decided I would take the puppy upstairs with me and see if I could get him to eat something without the other puppy competition for food and attention.  When I picked him up, he had a seizure.  Not what I was going for.  When he stopped seizing, he just laid on a towel in the living room.  I forced some water and watched for a little while.  Put in a call to the vet and waited.  

I was rather upset because this is one of the ones that was already sold.  I was dreading calling our friend and telling her that the puppy she picked out had passed away.  We knew that the vet would take a while to get back with us, and I know enough about animal care to know that he needed to stay hydrated, so I spent the whole afternoon dripping water and soup broth into him.  Not what I had planned to do with my Saturday.  The girls were so worried about the puppy that they did not even care about our ruined fall fun plans.  Our vet is an amazing vet, but he keeps weird hours.  We really do love and trust him and his wife.  When he finally got back with us, we rushed the puppy in and decided the pup would stay overnight with them getting IV fluids and nutrients.  The dog didn't have a fever and didn't appear to be sick to its stomach, but it was lethargic and pitiful.  

We had dropped off the dog Mallory picked out after the vet appointment.  I am very, very thankful that Olive was not affected by her shots, or sick.  I know Mallory would have been devastated.  She had picked this puppy out the day it was born and has been collecting dog toys and fancy collars for her.  Also, I think in the 2 days since Mallory took Olive home, I have gotten more photos of the dog than I have of Evelyn in the 10 months since she has been born!  haha!  

We went to the TJ's for  Clayton's birthday dinner.  We enjoyed an evening eating at the bar, and visiting with family.  

I think Clayton had a fun time too!  

And I love this picture of Evie staring down G-pop.  
Sunday morning, after mass, the vet called.  He said that the sick pup was feeling a lot better, but was acting like he couldn't see.  We agreed that I would come and pick him up, although I told Jim if he was blind, I would probably have to put him down.  This made the girls cry.  We brought him home, with instructions to keep him warm and hydrated.  The vet thinks that he had an allergic reaction to his shot and it caused some problems for him.  We watched him all afternoon and evening.  He is eating well now, and seems to be perkier, although he isn't as playful and energetic as the others.  I really don't think he is blind, but we are watching him closely.  
Jim and Preston wanted to watch football, so they agreed to be on puppy watching duty while I took the girls costume shopping and got groceries.  Let me tell you, Jim got the better end of that deal!  Saige picked out no less than 20 costumes, only to put them back because she changed her mind.  Five stores, a few moments of near tears, and some harassment from her sisters, and I can say that Saige now has a costume for Thursday.  Now if we can just get the weather to cooperate!
We never made it to the pumpkin patch, and I saw on facebook they were sold out.  We bought a couple of craft projects and some pumpkins from Walmart and plan to have a fun evening this week instead.  Adaptability is a life skill.  I am thankful that the puppy is ok, and happy that I got to spend precious time with my family!

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