Monday, August 26, 2019

Weekend and more first days

We had one of those weekends where we had a lot to do, but nobody really felt like doing it.  Jim was a little under the weather.  The weather was a little under the weather as well.  We got a few things accomplished, but overall, not what needed to happen.  

The weather.  blahh.  It rained really hard.  Again.  There is flooding. Again.  This is the low water bridge that I have to cross on my bus route.  Again.  The kids wanted to look at it.  Then they were sad that they didn't have fishing gear with them.  It was back down this morning and I was able to cross it with the bus, but it rained this morning.  Again.  The rain seriously needs to come down 1/2 an inch at a time. 

A couple weeks ago (during the fair - of course!) the dishwasher broke.  I tried really hard to live without one.  I told myself it was ok, I don't mind hand washing dishes.  I thought we could wait a little while before spending the money.  Lots of people don't have dishwashers right?  Then I spent 2 hours Saturday cleaning the kitchen.  It wasn't that we hadn't done dishes, but we cleaned out the refrigerator, had lunch boxes stacked up and heaven know what else.  I told Jim I could not wait.  (Sorry Jim!).  So Jim and Andrew had a major undertaking  to get the old dishwasher out.  The former owners of our house build hard wood floors in front of the dishwasher, making the dishwasher 1/2 inch or more taller than the hole we needed to get it out of.   Broke is Broke so they took a saws all to it.  :)  The new dishwasher won't be delivered for a few days.  The kids were all joking about not getting a new one, they liked their new "hideout."  

I was not exactly surprised to find that it was Sunday evening and that yet another weekend went by way too fast!  Every.  Single.  Time.  

Today is Cameron's first day of his Sophomore year at KSU.  He asked Jim and I to come out this weekend to meet the player day for the football team.  We decided since we have tickets to next weekend's game, we would wait until next week.  I was sorry I missed out after he sent me this picture!  

I asked Cameron for a first day photo, and this is what he sent.  Apparently his roommate had a birthday last night.  Not much sleep before class today!  The boy does make me laugh.  I hope he has a great year!  

Madison doesn't like me to take pictures of her, but she is also starting classes at KSU today.  She is doing a distance learning program, so her classes are online.  She and Andrew are working really hard to make good decisions for their family.   I can't tell you how proud I am of the two of them.

Friday, August 23, 2019

We made it

First weeks are always a little rough.  It is probably not helped by the fact that I don't enjoy preparing, so we didn't try to get on a schedule early, or practice morning routines, or anything else that good adults might do.  
The first week seemed to be about going over the Leader in Me Program the school has decided is more important than actual education.  Or at least that is how it seems to an outsider.  There are traits of leaders that they go over, team building activities, crazy amounts of busy work, (apparently boring) videos and whatnot to sit through.  Honestly, I am irritated by it, but I suppose since some people decided teaching their kids right from wrong isn't important, it falls on the school now.  Sometimes it feels like we are so far removed from actual education, it is scary.  But that is beside the point I guess.  Harper said she likes Mrs. Lattimer.  She also got a tour of the school, and got to meet her "specials" teachers - (think art, music, PE, computer and library).  She said she sat through a 45 minute class where the art teacher talked about different types of glue and she already knows she will hate art this year.  She makes me laugh.  
Harper did say they had a team building activity she thought was really fun, they had to get a gummy worm into its lifesaver while only using paper clips.  She said her team failed, but it was fun to think of all the ways they could have done it differently.  

Quincy and Preston are enjoying school so far too, however their teachers don't seem to post cute pictures on websites for me!  Preston said high school isn't as bad as he thought it would be, and he was happy that nobody has done anything mean to him.  Quincy was happy to have another girl out for football, but apparently she quit after the third day, so now Q is the only girl on the team.  I told her look at the bright side, at least there won't be a long line to get in the locker room!  

Saige loves school and Mrs. Grinke.  She goes on and on after school telling me each and every detail of her day.  I try to listen, but there is so much detail!  Ha!  I am glad she is happy and loves to go since she has a long time left!  

My new secretary is adorable!  She likes hanging out with grandpa before work and with me during work.  Honestly, this baby is about he easiest going kid I have ever seen.  She reminds me so much of her Uncle Colin....happy to just be.  
Speaking of Uncle Colin, he was given an apprenticeship from Westar and has decided not to return to school.  I am so proud of him.  He is one of the hardest working kids ever and he just keeps doing well for himself.  He landed his dream job and now will be figuring out where he will be located. 
Mallory started graduate school this week.  I guess in the state of Kansas, you can either complete graduate school or you can continuously take continuing education classes.  Teaching is a weird thing to get into.  Four years of college specializing in education, an internship where you student teach and get monitored by people who decide if you are fit to teach, finally graduate and get a job where you are told what to teach by both your administration and your co-workers, and are told how to teach it, even if you have other ideas or better ways to teach it, and then you are told you aren't educated enough and need more degrees and more education.  Seems silly to me for a job where you will always be underpaid.  But I am proud that Mallory loves what she does and is willing to jump through the hoops.  I know she is really good at what she does and definitely has a heart for education.  
Madison loves her new job so far, and she will be starting classes next week for her Registered Dietician degree.  I am proud of her as well!  My big and little kids are all doing great things!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

First day of school

Today is the first day of the 2019-2020 school year.  This will be Mallory's 2nd year teaching 2nd grade.  She was a little nervous.  This is Madison's first official day working in the kitchen.  I should have taken a picture of her in her grilled cheese shirt, but I wasn't fully functioning when she had to leave!  

Saige was stoked.  She was up, dressed, lunch packed, chores done and teeth brushed an hour early.  She was on her own in the happy to go back mood.  She is in 2nd Grade this year at Overbrook school with Mrs. Grinke.  She couldn't be happier.  

This is Harper's first year at Carbondale.  I think she was a little nervous.  She was unwilling to talk about it, but when she was unloading from my bus she growled in my ear - where do I go?  Luckily for me I know stuff!  haha!  She is in 4th grade with Mrs. Lattimer.  Once she gets going, it will be a great year.  She is always a reluctant participant in new things.  

The king of nerves this morning - Preston is going to high school.  Freshman year is always a challenge I think.  He is ready, but worried.  He will do great I know!  He will be graduating before he knows what hit him!  He drove himself.  I have a lot of prayers to say this year.  

Quincy is in her final year of Jr. High, 8th grade.  She is never ready to go back, but she will also do great.  She was busily chatting on the bus this morning with all her friends so I know she will drop right back into gear.  When I started 8th grade my dad told me "big dog in the meat house this year, don't let it go to your head."  At the time, I had no clue what he was talking about!  As my kids have started 8th grade I have told them all the same thing.  You know, they have to have something to talk to their therapists about!  :)  She is playing football and attempting to convince her band director to let her switch to the drums rather than the trombone.  We shall see what happens!  Should be a great year for her!

I always tell my friend Grace she has to take pictures of her kids on their first days.  It is tradition.  She gives me a lot of grief over it, saying she lived just fine without anyone taking a first day photo of her when she was growing up.  She told me I should take a first day photo of myself on the bus each year -so I did.  First day  of year 4.  I had a good morning.  I do hate wearing regular shoes when it is hot though!  
Since Aunt Mall had to go back to work, we are back to the schedule of Evie hanging out and then  catching a ride to town with Grandpa.  Once I get off the bus, she comes with me to work.  Jim's assistant clerk took this adorable photo this morning.  I love them!
This is going to be a great year!!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Last weekend of summer

This was the last weekend of summer break for the kids.  I wish I could say we went on a trip someplace or did something amazing, but that is just not the case.  Instead, we had a "last chance to finish some stuff before it gets really crazy"  type weekend.  The above photo was from last week's fair.  I am not sure where my sister got it from, but it made me laugh!  No wonder I can never get a brush through her hair!  :)  

Madison got a new job (again) and will now be working in the kitchen at the Overbrook School.  It means less driving, no weekends or holidays, a little more money, and bad weather days off for her.  For me, it means I get Evie all week long!  Of course, I love having this little love bug!  My office was too lonely with the other kids all being in school anyway!  

On Friday, the girls and I ran a ton of errands.  One was picking up Harper's new glasses.  She picked them out, but between then and now, decided she doesn't like them much.  I think they make her look very grown up!  She will get used to them I am sure!  Change is hard for some of us!

More changes happened over the weekend as well.  I painted Quincy's old room up for Harper.  We were able to use a bunch of the old paint we had in the basement, and she loves how it turned out.  We just have to get a new mini blind because - well Quincy.  She got her stuff all moved in and we have sort of cleaned out the other room for Saige.  This will be their first times being apart.  I hope it means they will go to bed without talking half the night now!  

Quincy is actually making progress with the grumpy cactus.  Last night she even let me see her face!  Quincy wants to have her bred - thinks raising hedgehogs would be super fun.  I am not about to encourage this craziness.  :)  

We did take a short trip this weekend.  Madison, Mallory and I went to Wichita to see Grace.  Madison's Godmother saved us!  Grace got the wedding dress all altered and ready to go.  We are getting close!  It was a fun day with my big girls.  Jim had a fun evening also, as he went to watch semi-professional wrestling with Uncle Jay - whose nephew was making his wrestling debut.  Jim told me he had forgotten how much fun semi-pro wrestling is.  He used to take Colin and Cameron all the time.  They went to some strange places to watch it too.  I remember once they went to a nursing home!  The residents loved it!  

Sunday was the final day for the city pool to be open.  The girls wanted to go in, but I was frantically trying to finish getting their rooms done.  Preston agreed to take them.  They love to swim.  I am so glad our town has a nice pool for them to hang out with their friends and do something they enjoy. 

Sunday, we also leased a billy goat, and are excited to start a new year of raising baby goats.  We are selling a few, traded a couple for the billy services, and have secured our hay supply for the winter.  The kids are excited!  We also had an opportunity to take Frankie to our friend's house to have his beak, toes, and wings trimmed.  It saved us a lot of money, and we learned a bunch of stuff!  Frankie did not especially like having a spa day!  He did not bite anyone while they were working on him though!  I never thought about trimming a bird's beak with a dremel before!  He was very calm afterward, and Quincy carried him all over the house.  He is getting sweeter by they day, and we can tell he loves the attention.  He loves Quincy!  Colin was home for a little while Saturday evening.  Frankie seems to hate Colin - going crazy every time he is in the house.  Colin got the towel to try to pick him up.  As he did, he told Frankie "we are going to be friends" and Frankie yelled out "NOOOOOO!"  truly one of the funniest things I have ever seen!  I honestly never thought about owning a parrot until I was in the process of picking this one up.  I know nothing at all about them, and although I am trying to learn, I don't think any article or book can do them justice.  This bird is smart.  He knows how to get attention, knows how to speak, asks for things (cracker?) and has an honest to goodness personality.  We are trying our hardest to learn what to do with him, as well as what not to do, and I hope we can keep him alive for the long haul.  Even Jim, who usually just eye rolls at my insanity is having a blast talking to him! 
Cameron sent me these pictures.  The first one is because he was celebrating his one year anniversary as a bouncer at Tubby's.  I have no idea what the heck is going on in the second one.  With Cameron it is sometimes best if we don't know.  Cameron also got a second job waiting tables at Texas Roadhouse.  I hope he will like working there!  He has another week before classes start.  I think he is ready!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

One of "them weeks"

When the fair ended, I felt a little relief.  We have one week between the fair and school starting back up, and my plan was to clean the house, get everything ready for school to start, and maybe enjoy a last few days poolside relaxing.  Would I read a book?  Maybe paint a bedroom for Harper?  Maybe!  The possibilities seemed endless.  Then the week hit.  It has been a holy crap on a cracker kind of week.  Work went bonkers, the state is forcing rehabilitation on not one but 3 of our structures, it was Jim's crazy week, I got called into meetings I didn't plan on, and the reality of school looming in the not distant future forced me to take the kids school shopping.  Add in a few last minute eye doctor and orthodontist appointments for the kids and a bad tooth for me, and relaxing is the last thing that has happened.  

I had a bus meeting, and dropped the girls at the pool while I was there.  When I came back to pick them up, they were excited about showing me all the tricks they have learned this summer.  Saige is swimming well, and can do a "dive" off the diving board.  (Apparently nobody told her if you dive you don't go feet first!).  Harper can do a front flip off the board, a back flip off the side and can now dive.  She was super excited.  The only problem is that she can't do any of that while wearing her glasses, and she hates not wearing her glasses.  She usually swims with them on.  I am proud of her for tackling all this stuff, she had to work hard!

We managed to get all the kid's school supplies purchased, and have everything ready to go.  We have also cleaned up and put away all the fair supplies, and the house is looking a little more normal.  We have been just wickedly busy.  I am always sad to see summer end, but am also starting to look forward to having a schedule with bed times again.

As I said, this week has been a wild ride.  Yesterday, when I was watching the baby, she got ahold of one of the kittens.  I wasn't fast enough to keep her from getting scratched.  I know it is just a scratch, but I don't want Evie getting hurt on my watch.  I felt terrible.  
As I was feeding her, I sent Preston out to mow.  Our mower is broken, so he borrowed Andrew's mower.  He had been out there mowing for about 20 minutes when he came busting in the front door saying the mower was on fire.  He grabbed a Tupperware bowl of water and ran out the door.  I looked out the window and saw not a few flames as I was expecting, but a giant fire with flames shooting into the trees.  I grabbed the fire extinguisher (thank you Jim for always making sure we have one of those things around) and ran out to put the fire out.  As I got about 10 steps away, the gas tank blew.  I am thankful I wasn't closer, and thankful that Preston wasn't hurt.  We got the fire out and then had the hard task of telling Andrew we "might" have to replace his mower.  

I know that stuff happens, and as things go, we were lucky, this could have been really bad.  I am thankful that it wasn't worse.  However, I am completely over this week.  I love summer, but I say bring on the school year!

Monday, August 12, 2019

When fairs end....

With no more fair to attend, we needed another project!  Yesterday we got Frankie.  He is a 23 year old Mexican Redheaded Amazon parrot.  My friend Adreinne's mom owned him for his whole life, but she is moving and cannot take him with her.  We agreed to loving him.  They can live 80+ years so I am guessing one of the kids will inherit this pretty boy!  
Frankie is amazing!  He can say Hello, Cracker, rubbins, whiskey, and I am sure more words we haven't heard yet.  The coolest thing he does though is laugh.  It sounds like one of those maniacal Halloween decorations.  It is so funny!  We all had a ball talking to him and watching him respond.  
I think this will be a fun addition to our house! It is a good end of summer project since we are all reading about parrots.