Friday, August 23, 2019

We made it

First weeks are always a little rough.  It is probably not helped by the fact that I don't enjoy preparing, so we didn't try to get on a schedule early, or practice morning routines, or anything else that good adults might do.  
The first week seemed to be about going over the Leader in Me Program the school has decided is more important than actual education.  Or at least that is how it seems to an outsider.  There are traits of leaders that they go over, team building activities, crazy amounts of busy work, (apparently boring) videos and whatnot to sit through.  Honestly, I am irritated by it, but I suppose since some people decided teaching their kids right from wrong isn't important, it falls on the school now.  Sometimes it feels like we are so far removed from actual education, it is scary.  But that is beside the point I guess.  Harper said she likes Mrs. Lattimer.  She also got a tour of the school, and got to meet her "specials" teachers - (think art, music, PE, computer and library).  She said she sat through a 45 minute class where the art teacher talked about different types of glue and she already knows she will hate art this year.  She makes me laugh.  
Harper did say they had a team building activity she thought was really fun, they had to get a gummy worm into its lifesaver while only using paper clips.  She said her team failed, but it was fun to think of all the ways they could have done it differently.  

Quincy and Preston are enjoying school so far too, however their teachers don't seem to post cute pictures on websites for me!  Preston said high school isn't as bad as he thought it would be, and he was happy that nobody has done anything mean to him.  Quincy was happy to have another girl out for football, but apparently she quit after the third day, so now Q is the only girl on the team.  I told her look at the bright side, at least there won't be a long line to get in the locker room!  

Saige loves school and Mrs. Grinke.  She goes on and on after school telling me each and every detail of her day.  I try to listen, but there is so much detail!  Ha!  I am glad she is happy and loves to go since she has a long time left!  

My new secretary is adorable!  She likes hanging out with grandpa before work and with me during work.  Honestly, this baby is about he easiest going kid I have ever seen.  She reminds me so much of her Uncle Colin....happy to just be.  
Speaking of Uncle Colin, he was given an apprenticeship from Westar and has decided not to return to school.  I am so proud of him.  He is one of the hardest working kids ever and he just keeps doing well for himself.  He landed his dream job and now will be figuring out where he will be located. 
Mallory started graduate school this week.  I guess in the state of Kansas, you can either complete graduate school or you can continuously take continuing education classes.  Teaching is a weird thing to get into.  Four years of college specializing in education, an internship where you student teach and get monitored by people who decide if you are fit to teach, finally graduate and get a job where you are told what to teach by both your administration and your co-workers, and are told how to teach it, even if you have other ideas or better ways to teach it, and then you are told you aren't educated enough and need more degrees and more education.  Seems silly to me for a job where you will always be underpaid.  But I am proud that Mallory loves what she does and is willing to jump through the hoops.  I know she is really good at what she does and definitely has a heart for education.  
Madison loves her new job so far, and she will be starting classes next week for her Registered Dietician degree.  I am proud of her as well!  My big and little kids are all doing great things!

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