Thursday, August 15, 2019

One of "them weeks"

When the fair ended, I felt a little relief.  We have one week between the fair and school starting back up, and my plan was to clean the house, get everything ready for school to start, and maybe enjoy a last few days poolside relaxing.  Would I read a book?  Maybe paint a bedroom for Harper?  Maybe!  The possibilities seemed endless.  Then the week hit.  It has been a holy crap on a cracker kind of week.  Work went bonkers, the state is forcing rehabilitation on not one but 3 of our structures, it was Jim's crazy week, I got called into meetings I didn't plan on, and the reality of school looming in the not distant future forced me to take the kids school shopping.  Add in a few last minute eye doctor and orthodontist appointments for the kids and a bad tooth for me, and relaxing is the last thing that has happened.  

I had a bus meeting, and dropped the girls at the pool while I was there.  When I came back to pick them up, they were excited about showing me all the tricks they have learned this summer.  Saige is swimming well, and can do a "dive" off the diving board.  (Apparently nobody told her if you dive you don't go feet first!).  Harper can do a front flip off the board, a back flip off the side and can now dive.  She was super excited.  The only problem is that she can't do any of that while wearing her glasses, and she hates not wearing her glasses.  She usually swims with them on.  I am proud of her for tackling all this stuff, she had to work hard!

We managed to get all the kid's school supplies purchased, and have everything ready to go.  We have also cleaned up and put away all the fair supplies, and the house is looking a little more normal.  We have been just wickedly busy.  I am always sad to see summer end, but am also starting to look forward to having a schedule with bed times again.

As I said, this week has been a wild ride.  Yesterday, when I was watching the baby, she got ahold of one of the kittens.  I wasn't fast enough to keep her from getting scratched.  I know it is just a scratch, but I don't want Evie getting hurt on my watch.  I felt terrible.  
As I was feeding her, I sent Preston out to mow.  Our mower is broken, so he borrowed Andrew's mower.  He had been out there mowing for about 20 minutes when he came busting in the front door saying the mower was on fire.  He grabbed a Tupperware bowl of water and ran out the door.  I looked out the window and saw not a few flames as I was expecting, but a giant fire with flames shooting into the trees.  I grabbed the fire extinguisher (thank you Jim for always making sure we have one of those things around) and ran out to put the fire out.  As I got about 10 steps away, the gas tank blew.  I am thankful I wasn't closer, and thankful that Preston wasn't hurt.  We got the fire out and then had the hard task of telling Andrew we "might" have to replace his mower.  

I know that stuff happens, and as things go, we were lucky, this could have been really bad.  I am thankful that it wasn't worse.  However, I am completely over this week.  I love summer, but I say bring on the school year!

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