The weather has turned into a gross, cold, artic mess this week. We have had about 5 inches of snow, and temperatures that don't get out of the negative numbers. Keeping things alive is a big struggle. They are warning that dogs left outside will die. I guess the weather is bad for dogs - but it is also bad for humans! They cancelled school for yesterday and today. I am not sure if we can go back tomorrow or not. The roads are not cleared yet, and with the wind that is blowing, my guess is that even if they are cleared, they will quickly drift back shut. Jim and I did make it in to work today and yesterday, but the roads were far from good. The buses we have currently are not good in the snow, and of course, diesel fuel has never been amazing in the extreme cold. I am hoping they just cancel for tomorrow as well. Time will tell I guess. I am sure that running routes will be a burdensome task. Perhaps we just try next week, when the weather is supposed to be in the 50's? :)
The girls and I have been busy trying to bed down animals, and keep heat lamps going. It is a struggle to try to get outside animals any amount of comfort through this. My dad's cows are calving, and I can't think of a worse shock than being born on days like these. Mom has been blow drying calves like crazy. Some of them are so cute! I feel sorry for them. I hope the warm weather hurries up and gets here! Our goats are due to kid in mid-March- praying that this weather is long gone by then! Speaking of kids, Madison and the girls worked really hard, but their little goat did not make it. They were pretty sad about it. Goat kids are so weird. They can be fine one minute and dead the next for no real reason that you can see. They can eat themselves to death if you aren't careful. You can have a myriad of diseases that they can catch if their umbilical cord isn't treated with iodine as close to birth as possible. They can also go down and stay down for weeks and although you think they will die, they don't, and you can spend hundreds of dollars on trying to figure out why. It is sort of a crap shoot. We have learned so much about them, but there are just so many unknowns, so many variables that no matter what you do, your success rate will never be perfect. Such is life with livestock.
This girl - always makes me laugh. She is just now starting to talk - and one of her first words - beef jerky! Yes - seriously! :) She is a hoot! I was telling the older kids recently that Colin didn't talk until he was 2. We went into the kitchen one morning and he said "I would like a pop tart please" clear as day. I about fell over. He did the same thing when potty training - one day declared he wanted to wear underwear and never had an accident. Some kids are just like that.
Evie's chocolate frog! :)
We got a huge kick out of Cash when we went to visit Colin and Spencer on Sunday. This dog likes to hold your hand, likes to howl and whine when he is excited - and is definitely a fan of having company! He is one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen! He is a good boy! Volt liked having us there, he seems like he is really mellowing out in his old age!
Our dogs have done nothing but lay around the house. I have to physically pick up Carlos and push him out the door, or he would never go out. He hates the cold. I agree with him! When he comes back in, he lays on the furnace vent and shivers. I do feel sorry for him, and we do not leave him out for very long, but everyone has to go potty right? He is a widdle baby dog. He also wiggles his way out of his sweaters - he seems to like them for a little while, but then will roll around until he can wiggle out. I wonder if he gets itchy? I remember my mom trying to make us wear sweaters, I HATED them! So much itchiness. :) I will never be one of those old grammies in the nursing home with a sweater on - no thank you - I would rather not be itchy! Give me a flannel shirt, or a fleece blanket any day!
Anyway, I think I need to have winter end so I can start in on some outdoor projects. I am off on too much random thinking in this weather!
Here is hoping that next week will really be in the 50 degree range that they are predicting and that winter is over very soon!