Sunday, July 10, 2011

Photos from Last week and Quincy's b-day party

Just a few photos that I never got loaded up after the 4th of July.

Preston wanted to be in the bike parade, but was worried about crashing because he isn't very steady without his training wheels. I told him he could ride his scooter, but then he was worried that it was a 'bike' parade -NOT a scooter parade. Thankfully I was able to talk him out of this worry and there were a lot of kids on things other than bikes!

Harper didn't ride a bike either!

Colin and Quincy went through the parade twice - cutting thru the alley behind the bank and getting in the back of the line - they were a little overzealous I think, especially considering how hot it was!

Even Jim got in on the firework action! He was having a little too much fun acting like a kid, and I might have had to put a stop to him throwing firecrackers at the kids feet!

Quincy will be 5 tomorrow. We had a little party for her today. To say she was a little excited would the the understatement of the century! She has been looking forward to being 5 for a loooong time now! She put on quite a show at her party acting like a wild woman!

Grandma did an awesome job making her a pool cake. She thought it was the best cake ever!

When I asked Quincy what she wanted to do for her birthday, she responded with wanting her cousins to go swimming, eat cake, and spend the night. She spent the night with them a couple weeks ago, and she wanted them to sleep over here! She wanted to go swimming with them- which would have been fine except that the pool in town is having trauma with the pump and the deep end is closed - so she wanted to swim in her little pool. It looked a bit crowded in there - but they played in the backyard for almost 2 hours in that little bitty pool! Funny what will keep kids entertained. I wasn't sure if Kyle and Alex would spend the night - but it appears after spending the whole afternoon/evening outside they were exhausted and are crashed out on the living room floor! I sure hope they stay asleep!

We also finished the regular season of soft/baseball this week. We are headed into tournaments the next two weeks. This week is Preston and Quincy's week. They both play tomorrow night at the same time. Disappointing if it ends up being their last games since I am definitely only able to be one place at a time - I will miss someone's game. Maybe it won't be the last game of the season so I will have another chance. But that is the way it goes sometimes. I have to admit I am a little more than ready to have our evenings back!

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