Wednesday, January 22, 2025

January 984th

I swear to you that this month has seemed like 10 lifetimes long.  The weather, the country going through dark times, the sadness over kids returning to school, the darkness of winter, death of people we cared about, did I mention the weather?  Anyway, I am trying to stay positive, but it hasn't been easy.  Monday was a holiday, no school.  Yesterday, they called school off due to the extreme cold.  I am relatively sure it was just as cold last week, and the roads were worse, but we still had school?  I do not know what made them decide, but I was not complaining at all!  Any day we get off for weather, we get paid for - paid to not drive is a great deal right?  Since there was no school, Madison brought the girls out to visit.  We had fun painting Valentine's Day ornaments and then the girls decided they wanted to eat the cool whip we had in the refrigerator!  They are funny kids!  Mallory came out as well, and  Daisey Paige had a great time cleaning all the cool whip off the floor, and off of Wrenley!

I am so thankful for these kids - they truly brighten up my days!  All of them (not just the grandkids -although ....grandkids are a pretty cool gift).  

This morning, Jim and I attended a funeral for a lady who we lived here in town.  She owned the laundry mat next door to my office.  She was one of those people who is involved in everything, and did it all well with grace and pride in her work, but without needing to brag or boast about her accomplishments.  She had a son in my class growing up...but I really didn't get to know her as well until I worked next door.  When I started here, she stopped me to tell me that downtown, we all are responsible for our own sidewalks, that we were to keep them clean, swept off, and shovel our own snow, and keep them salted so nobody slips.  She told me that nobody was going to do my portion, as everyone does their own.  I told her that was fine, I would do my best.  First time it snowed, I arrived to work with my gloves and shovel, ready to make sure I wasn't the cause of someone slipping.  Pat was already outside and had my portion already shoveled off.  It became sort of a game, where I would try to beat her, but never succeeded.  Recently, I was able to clear her portion of the walk.  I was happy about it, until I realized it meant she was probably really unable to do the work anymore.  Then it was just overwhelmingly sad.  She used to stop by to tell me things that were happening in town, followed by telling me I did NOT hear it from her.  She also stopped by because her kids made her get "a stupid smart phone" and she didn't' want them to know she messed it up.  Usually, it was easy stuff to fix, and she thought I was a technology genius.  I appreciated her enthusiasm for my skills, and never had the heart to tell her if it had been a difficult fix, she would have been out of luck!  I will miss her.  She was good people.  

I am looking forward to spring!  I love indoor projects and crafts, but - flowers, garden veggies, and sunshine on my skin without getting frost bite are currently things I am craving!  

This kid - has zero fear.  Has zero sense of danger - and is the best climber I have seen since my nephew Josh was a little kid.  I distinctly remember taking Josh and the twins to the park when they were pretty little.  He scaled right up to the top of everything.  I stood on the ground with my heart in my throat waiting for him to plummet to his death.  I swear to you, he terrified me with his agility and lack of fear.  And yes, I had boys, so I sort of understand.  Colin pulled a few things that ended us up in the ER.  Cameron tended to climb trees, and Preston was sort of a combination of the two.  But this girl - holy moly!  She is everywhere - made worse by the fact that she moves in complete silence.  She is going to be one who will put (more) gray hair on all of us I think!  But it also sort of cracks me up.  And her tenacity - wowsa!  

Today is also Andrew's birthday.  I am thankful that my daughter married a man who is easy going, a good husband and father, and who tries so hard to do life well.  I am also thankful that he and Jim are such good friends and like doing things together.  Andrew has thrown himself directly into the insanity that is our family.  He has helped repair vehicles, helped with household projects (even ones where he got electrocuted), picked us up when we needed rides, and even rescued Quincy once when she got in trouble at school.  We are happy he is willing, happy he is flexible, and proud to have him in our mess.  Happy Birthday Andrew - we love you!


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