Wednesday, January 8, 2025

un dia mas

Well, today was supposed to be the first day back from break.  BUUUTTTTTTT......apparently all the roads, parking lots and sidewalks were not cleared of the crazy amounts of snow we received, so the kids got a little bonus un dia mas (one more day).  
Yesterday, Quincy, Harper and Saige all had dental appointments.  When they were done, I told them to stop by my office and we would meet Jim and eat at the bar.  As we were done eating and leaving, I witnessed Harper shaking her fist at some dripping water and say "stop melting!"  She wanted this extra day.  Although, I am not sure that any of us are ever ready for any break to end!  I think I better make the girls work really hard today, so they will be excited to go back to school for some rest!  :) 
If you told me 20 years ago that I would not only own a little tiny dog, but also that I would be buying him little sweaters, and dressing him to go out in the cold, I would have laughed at you.  If you had told me that I would hear my husband asking the little dog if he would like a few more sweaters, since he had been wearing the current one for several days, I would have not only laughed but would have lost a lot of money betting against that ever happening!  Carlos truly hates the cold though.  I literally have to pick him up, and shove him out the door.  He has been peeing on the front porch!  Half the time he comes inside and shivers for half an hour, dramatically lays on the vent, or buries himself in blankets..  I feel bad for him, but there is nothing I can do except insist that he goes out to use the bathroom.  He has been pooping in the laundry room - not because I let him, but because he is a little jerk, who knows better, but doesn't care.  Truly, he is a tiny ball of spoiled rotten.  But how can you be mad, I hate the cold too!  

I finally got one flower on my Christmas cactus - one!  There were more blooms, but they got knocked off accidentally (not by me).  I am enjoying the one flower and taking it as a huge success in my ability to raise a succulent!  

Both of the little Christmas cypress trees I got this year - I don't know where I will eventually plant them outside, but I have been enjoying their cuteness!  Obviously they are different types of cypress.  I need to do a little more research on this subject, but I think the grinch tree (lighter green) is the type of cypress that grow in the swamps in Louisiana.  

This guy - the reason we had to call Jagger yesterday.  He got his truck stuck - in the same place I got stuck in the bus last year - at the end of the driveway.  He said "I don't know how it happened!"  I said I do! Been there done that!  Would it really be January if we didn't have to call up "uncle Jagger?"  I should have taken pictures, but I was too cold!  

Which brings me to this:  things I would rather be doing than cold, snow, shoveling, stuck vehicles, frozen water dishes, extra work, plugging in buses, and whatever else January has in store for me.

Rattlesnakes.  Yes, I know - people hate them, but when you see them, by gosh, it is not cold outside! 

Hauling water to flowers - because hauling water is better than breaking ice!

Having poolside afternoons with my grandkids.  Or basically doing anything with the grandkids that doesn't involve making snowmen!  :)  

County fairs - even with the sweat dripping into crevasses you didn't know you had, it is preferable to the cold!  

Getting farm fresh eggs and vegetables.  I miss them the most! 

Parades, and fireworks.  Definitely preferable. 

Popsicles and rock candy - taste better in the summer time!

Softball evenings, sun on your face, shorts and flip flops, nachos in your hand, daylight until 9 or after.....I miss you summer!  Hurry back!


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