Saturday, June 11, 2011

another week bites the dust!

We had another wild week of summer! As part of the beekeeper scholarship, Cam had to give a presentation to the 4-H club. Since his beekeeping meetings generally fall on 4-H night, he had one chance to get this done! He did a great job of taking about his bees and his experiences. He also made everyone laugh when he compared his queen bee to his momma. He could never take anything too seriously!

Colin attended football camp at the high school all week. He had a lot of fun and is now ready for football season to start!

Yesterday, Colin and Cam attended KSU football camp. They were totally stoked that they got to meet Bill Snyder! My friend Marty took photos of the whole event - I will post soon! They said they learned a lot, and that the locker room tour was very cool!

Preston and Quincy both played ball last night, so I finally got to watch Preston play ball! It seems like either I had a meeting or had to take one of the other kids to their games, and had missed seeing him play! He did a great job! Quincy got a hit last night, so she was super happy too! Thanks to Jim letting me know she was up to bat, I got to see this as well!

The kids have battled the flu this week, so that has not been very fun. It even caused a little bit of trauma, as the girls had a friend in from Virginia, and we had to postpone her coming by so she didn't catch any germs from us! They had a great time visiting with her and it all worked out well!

Yesterday, I ordered Harper a new pair of glasses. I am not sure where she put the other pair, but we decided after a solid week of having every afternoon/evening dedicated to looking we were not going to find them....and if we do - well having a spare pair is never a bad thing right? My kids suggested putting a beeper on the new pair so if they get lost we can easily find them! The good news is that several closets have been cleaned out in the process!

Now we are just getting a little weekend action in so that we can gear up for another wacky week of summer!

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