Thursday, September 8, 2011

Now that it is September....

We have been royally enjoying the weather! Playing outside, going to the park, and watching football without sweating at all has been so nice - not to mention turning off the air conditioning so that maybe we won't have to spend every dime with westar energy this month!
Preston is absolutely loving first grade and his teacher keeps telling me how much she loves him! I guess he is a good example to his fellow classmates!
Sure hope that lasts!

The adjustment has been harder for Harper - who asks for the kids all day long - she runs around saying "Mad Mad school, Mallwry school, Holin school" and then goes through the rest of the kids! She plays for a while and then starts the whole thing over again! I guess in 9 more weeks she will have someone to play with!

Cameron took this photo of Colin (#60 - second from the right in blue) - I thought it was a pretty awesome photo! Thanks Cam! We have been going to lots of football practices and games. Colin's 8th grade team has not won a game yet, but I think they will start winning next week - at least that is what Colin told me! Speaking of Colin, I spent Labor Day in the ER with him. He had football practice on Monday morning.....while there he got hit (actually he says he did the hitting) and then was slow to get up, couldn't walk a straight line, and apparently gave the coach the wrong phone number when they tried to call me. Since there are new concussion laws, he had to be checked out before he could return to practice. Of course, these things always have to happen on a holiday! We sure would hate to not go to the ER on my day off! He did not have a concussion, and was cleared to go back to practice - which made him very happy! He did have a CAT scan, and they confirmed that there are brains in his head! Good news!

Cameron's team also played a practice game this week, they did not win, but they did score some points, so they have totally improved from last year!

The kitten is also busy - she likes to dive bomb feet, bite ankles, steal food, run off with socks, and meow madly if we put her in the garage! Although Colin originally thought that he should name the cat Carlos, we think she is a girl, so I changed her name to Zodiac. Colin wants to call her tiger, but I think everyone has a cat named Tiger -- so I over ruled him!
The nice part is that Harper has someone to keep her company when everyone else is off at school.

And now for my Cam story of the day. I was getting dinner ready so we could head out to Colin's football game tonight. Cam was doing homework at the kitchen table and complaining about math. He asks me for help - and I look at his paper -- the problem was Ada's crazy aunt Melba hides $10,000 under her mattress. If she spends $20 a day, how many days will the money last? Cam's answer? "Melba's boyfriend is a thief, he stole the money, it lasted 2 days." Sounded like the right answer to me, yep, he totally got his math skills from his mother!

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