Sunday, November 13, 2011

Survival of the weekend

I was concerned that we would not survive this weekend with our sanity. Actually, since I am not clinically licensed to make these kinds of judgements, maybe we didn't!
Yesterday was the Overbrook Annual Craft Fair. Mallory and Madison were asked to run the concession stand as a CWF fundraiser, and our 4-H club had a bake sale. Preston had his first official club duty when he and Cam took a turn running the bake sale! I hear that he is a "class A salesman." I think a little kid asking pathetically for old men to buy baked goods is probably a good combination!

The bake sale was a pretty big success I am told. The concession stand was also a success....I judge this success by the fact that they made enough money to pay the grocery bill and have money left over.....and not too much food left over. Success! It was a pretty long day, but we are now a little closer to their financial goal!

While I was helping with the craft fair, Jim took Colin to a wrestling tournament in Silver Lake. Colin had a pretty good day. He won 2 and lost 2 for 4th place. I am told that he did a great job! He must have had a couple of tough matches, because he is all bruised up! He was acolyte at church this morning, and when he walked in, I noticed he has bruising all over the side of his face. It doesn't look very good!

Mallory and Madison worked the past 3 nights selling concessions at the high school play for money toward their band trip. They were very pleased with the amount they made, and with the fact that they actually got to watch the whole play!

We spent today between church and flag football, cleaning house. I am very pleased with how everyone pitched in and how fast it went! I am hoping that it will stay done!

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