Friday, November 11, 2011


In case anyone ever wondered, this is the proper way to dress for a Veterans Day assembly at school. Last night, Quincy informed me that she must dress up in red, white and blue for the assembly. She then dumped out her dresser looking for just the right ensemble. I did not think to take a photo of her this morning, while she was still wearing the black socks with hot pink and neon green butterflies under her gold sparkly shoes, but let me tell you, it completed the outfit!

Colin had a wrestling dual at Silver Lake Tuesday evening. As it turned out, he lost his first match by getting pinned and his second match he seemed to dominate, but ended up losing by one point. His coach was urging him to "cut him loose" - "Let him up" and I did not understand this....but apparently you get more points for another take-down then you would for keeping him down on his back. It was a strategy that I wouldn't have thought of, and I don't think Colin understood what he was told to do, after all, when you work to get someone down, you sure hate to let them back up again! It is hard to watch a kid lose by one point after the match was so tough! Next time, I bet he will understand what his coach is telling him though!

I had a doctor appointment right before the dual, so Jim went with me and we just left from there. This meant I had to ask Madison to pick up Cameron from a field trip. Madison called me at wrestling, and she was crying and told me she had a wreck. I tried to remain calm, but I was 45 minutes away! I learned that she had not looked clearly before backing up, and had just bumped into a car which was parked behind her. We are working on using phrases like "I backed into someone" or "I scratched someone's car" rather than I HAD A WRECK! As I was instructing her to either find out who the car belonged to and tell them what happened, or to leave her contact information on their windshield, and trying to calm her down, the car's owner got in it and drove away. I am thinking the 'bump' must not have been too bad? It made for an interesting evening for sure!

I am looking at our weekend, and wondering if we will survive it all! Its going to be a busy one for sure!

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