Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last post for 2011

2011 has been a year of a lot of ups and downs - the pain of losing grandparents and neighbors, mixed with the joys of parenting our kids and welcoming a new baby to our family. I guess so long as the good outweighs the bad we will be ok! Time keeps moving steadily along though doesn't it?

Goodbye 2011!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

24 Hours of a Christmas Story

Advent ended despite my inability to keep up, and we found ourselves in a fury of shopping, wrapping, and having Christmas eve at my brother, Eric's house. We had a wonderful evening of eating, visiting, and opening gifts (which is why Quincy demanded the boys quit playing football in the yard and eat dinner already!).

Saige was unimpressed with her new Christmas dress, and spent much of her first Christmas the same way she spent Thanksgiving (sleeping).

We had a very relaxed Christmas here at home--we enjoyed cooking a huge meal so that Preston could eat rolls, and nothing else! The kids had to serve at the 10:00 am mass, and for the record for next year, we do not need to arrive early!

Quincy got up and said "Hey, I was sorta bad, but Santa still came!"

Baby Alive will no longer be attending church with us, since she dances and pew hops the whole time!

The weather was so nice, the kids spent the afternoon playing in the yard!

It was a very merry Christmas! And to quote my dad, --- nothing is over like Christmas! Hope yours was great!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Late day conversations.....

One of the things I love about being home with the kids in the afternoons is that I get to answer questions like this:

Quincy: Mom, if I ONLY get coal from Santa can we have a campfire?

I am guessing that she may suspect she is on the naughty list????

Winding down

We are following a crazy week after a crazy weekend with all the preparations that come along with the Christmas season. This has meant several Christmas (aka Winter) concerts for the kids. Due to them reconfiguring the schools, we can no longer attend one concert for the grade school kids and see all our kids perform on the same night - nooo way that would be too easy! We have now attended 4 concerts! Preston and Quincy's were at least on the same night in the same location - just at different times! Colin had his 8th grade band concert Monday night. They were pretty awesome! Playing the trumpet is not Colin's favorite activity, and truth be told the only reason he is in band is because when we agreed to purchase the trumpet 2 1/2 years ago, I made it known that it was required to play through jr. high! Although I really wish he loved band, he just doesn't! Not that he isn't involved in enough other activities I guess!

We have also been busy trying to get everything done for school parties, and Jim and I have decided that tomorrow morning, we will start our Christmas shopping. I realize it is still a little early, but we are going to live on the edge! All that being said, today is the last day of school before Christmas break. We can wind down and relax a little bit I hope! Plus there is the Quincy factor. She is most definitely NOT a morning person. The excitement of going to school was stomped out when she realized she had to get up EVERY day to go! She has the hardest time getting out the door in the morning, and sometimes I feel like I am literally dragging her by her teeth just to get to school.....a few days of sleeping in should help her I hope!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Birthday girl!

Today was Harper's 2nd birthday. She had a marvelous day I think! She told everyone "today's Harper's birthday" I think it is hilarious how she refers to herself in the third person!

She is such a funny little smart! Of course, performing for her big brothers and sisters is one of her favorite hobbies! She is really talking well now, loves to read books, and likes her daddy to rock her to sleep at night. She also hates for her clothes to get wet, and demands a new outfit if even a drip of liquid gets on her! She also loves to go pick up the kids from school, waits all day long for them to come home, and when they do she is totally immersed in whatever they are doing -- which sometimes involves her helping with homework (which is why she is so smart!). She is such a gift to our family! We love you Harper! Happy 2nd Birthday!

Last night, Preston and Quincy had their Christmas program at school. They worked very hard, and learned all the songs (8 for each class!). They clean up nice huh?

My favorite part (aside from watching my kids do such a good job) was when a little boy was leaving with his grandpa and very loudly yelled "please wait to sing more, I have to go pee" I don't think the grandpa was very happy with him, and the singing did not wait for him either!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

1 month old!

Saige Grace is one month old! She is such a good little baby! She likes to be held though - and sleeps best when cuddled up in anyone's arms!
Harper really loves her, maybe a little too much!

For her one month birthday, she caught her first cold.

It hasn't really stopped her from being sweet though!

Since being born one month ago, Saige has been to multiple wrestling tournaments, basketball practices, work with me, church events, and Monday she got to go to a high school band concert! The band was really good, but she slept through the whole thing! Preston was the event photographer.....he was a bit upset that he couldn't get the shots he wanted. He was just too far away with my sad little camera! Quincy danced and jumped through the whole concert, I can't help but wonder what she is going to do tonight when she is the one on stage!?!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A full weekend

Out of order, but these are my kids and my brother's kids at Saige's baptism. Rough looking crowd??!!??

We had a wild and crazy weekend. We started off with it being the first home game, so Mallory and Madison had to play in the pep band. Cameron's teacher's husband is the basketball coach, and Cam was selected to help keep stats at the games. He was very, very excited with his new 'job' and couldn't wait to get to the game!
Saturday night was Winter Formal. My daughters are so beautiful, and I can't believe how fast they are growing up! Madison had a great time.....Mallory only said it was 2 hours of her life she could never get back. :)

We had Saige's baptism today after church. Father Anthony did a great job, but it was hard to not have grandma there.....she has always been at the kids baptisms, and not having her smiling face there felt wrong somehow. It was a beautiful baptism anyhow, and Saige was the first of our children to sleep through the WHOLE thing - even when she had water poured on her head, she slept! Such a good girl!

I think Father Anthony really loves babies!

Saige may have slept through her baptism, but she did not sleep through the party we had afterward!

We had a dual purpose party, for Saige's baptism and Harper's second birthday.
Harper asked Grandma for a cat cake - she got it!

I think Harper had a good time being the center of attention - but then, she is used to being the center of attention!

The minute Harper's birthday party was over, Mallory wore us down enough to agree to putting up the Christmas decorations! Now comes the part where we get to fight with Harper over leaving them up!

Now if I could just talk them into all taking a mid-winter's nap!