Sunday, December 25, 2011

24 Hours of a Christmas Story

Advent ended despite my inability to keep up, and we found ourselves in a fury of shopping, wrapping, and having Christmas eve at my brother, Eric's house. We had a wonderful evening of eating, visiting, and opening gifts (which is why Quincy demanded the boys quit playing football in the yard and eat dinner already!).

Saige was unimpressed with her new Christmas dress, and spent much of her first Christmas the same way she spent Thanksgiving (sleeping).

We had a very relaxed Christmas here at home--we enjoyed cooking a huge meal so that Preston could eat rolls, and nothing else! The kids had to serve at the 10:00 am mass, and for the record for next year, we do not need to arrive early!

Quincy got up and said "Hey, I was sorta bad, but Santa still came!"

Baby Alive will no longer be attending church with us, since she dances and pew hops the whole time!

The weather was so nice, the kids spent the afternoon playing in the yard!

It was a very merry Christmas! And to quote my dad, --- nothing is over like Christmas! Hope yours was great!!

1 comment:

  1. I had a good laugh at Quincy's "morning hair". She musta inherited that from her Grandma Nancy.

    Love these Grandkids... just can't get enough of all of them. :-)
