Saturday, April 27, 2013

These little piggies went to weigh in

 This morning was the Osage County weigh in day for livestock.  We decided we could use Colin's truck rather than having uncle Eric have to drive a full trailer clear to Osage City.  We did not realize that doing this would cut the drive time by a good 20 minutes.  Colin has a lead foot!  :)  Luckily, the pigs didn't seem to mind their fast ride in the rain, and they all survived!

 We were pleased, I really thought the 2 Chester Whites were around 40 pounds.  I was wrong.  Preston's pig (Daniel Hamms) weighed 58 pounds.
 Colin's Poland China whose name I do not know yet, weighed 82 pounds.
 And Mallory's hog, who she named Chester, even though I think she is a girl, weighed 61 pounds.
 This just shows that I should not try to guess pig weights!
 We don't have quite as far to go to make weight as I thought, which is a very good thing!
The rest of our weekend is crazy busy.  We worked at a garage sale/concession stand to earn money for Colin's CWF trip, the boys (including the old one) went to the spring football game at KSU, and are staying to watch a baseball game too, we are entertaining extra kids, and I am going to dinner with the Religion Ed teachers for a year end party.  I have not honestly had much stress this year with Religion Ed, as I have only been an assistant teacher, and that means I don't have to plan lessons, just show up and sit beside the kids who can't keep themselves contained during class.  It has been really fun to get to hang out with the kids but not have to do the work! Some weekends make it seem like a good idea to go back to work!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

3 little pigs and other stuff

 Colin, Preston and Mallory decided that they wanted to show pigs this year.  Cameron and Madison decided they didn't want to.  Colin bought a Poland China and Mallory and Preston got Chester Whites.  They were delivered tonight.  The downfall of showing white pigs is that if they get scratched up in the truck ride it really shows up.  Preston and Quincy were very excited to be back to playing in the pig pen.

 Colin (#16) had a couple of ball games tonight, and I was exceptionally happy that we were able to sit outside in the sunshine and not freeze at the ballpark!  Progress!
 Colin played in both games and did a great job!  He is having a lot of fun too!

And last but not least, Mallory was honored at NHS night for keeping her grades high and being a member for a whole year.  She was also inducted as their Historian for the next school year.  We are exceptionally proud of her.

We have hit the down hill slide of the school year.  It has been very busy, but if we can get through the next 3 weeks, the kids are out of school!  I can't wait!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Preston's First Communion

 Preston made his First Communion this morning.  He cleans up pretty good!  :)

 He was excited in his quiet little way.  He took the day very seriously.
 It was a small class, only 2 kids, so if he didn't take it seriously, all eyes would have been on him!
 He did a great job of reading the petitions.

 We are so very proud of him!

 And so was Father Kip....who never stopped talking while I was taking pictures.  He was explaining how he never takes good photos.  He is such a funny man!

Congratulations Preston!  We love you!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Junior Prom

 It is prom day for Madison and Mallory.  They honored me by letting me do their hair (we will put it that way rather than they are too cheap to pay some 'real' hairdresser!).  Colin wants it noted that he put the beads together for me...he definitely has a future as a crafty beadsman.

 Mallory was insistent on a toe shot.  She had to get her orange in somewhere!

 This morning Cameron's principal was saying nothing finishes off the prom dress look like a  winter coat!  Dang spring for failing to show up in time for prom!

We are very proud of our girls, and hope they have a great night.  I am a little sad that they are growing up so fast.