I love taking photos and I love that my blog keeps track of dates and captions for me. My latest phase seems to be the photo dump! I take tons of pictures of the kids and don't really make time to download them every day. As a result, I tend to have a lot of random photos on my phone. I will go on record and say I really like the iPhone camera, and I love that I can use the phone to blog so it is quick and easy!
I took some photos of the little league team the big boys are playing on the other night. Colin was the pitcher and Cameron was playing shortstop. If you look you can see Cameron in the background. Jim is coaching these boys and there have been a few challenging moments with teenage boys, but overall I think the boys and Jim are enjoying it. They are done with the regular season and gearing up for the league tourney.
In my opinion, one of the best things we can do for our kids is to teach them to play without having to be entertained. It encourages independence and a sense of not being afraid to do things alone. Preston spends a lot of time building Lego towns, Lego robots and other assorted Lego things.
Some friends of ours who happen to be retired, found 2 hula hoops in their garage. They have provided hours of entertainment this week! Although they were given to Quincy and Harper, I believe the hula hoop contest was set up by some people who are a bit older!
It has been a while since I took any photos of the dragons. They celebrated being with us for a year the other day. I am always entertained by these girls! They are amazingly gentle and awesome to watch! The kids often carry them around or watch tv while holding them. I would highly recommend them as a quiet, gentle and educational addition to any family!
This afternoon, I took the older boys to get sports physicals. While we were gone, Mallory and Madison decided today was a good day to play in the pool and work on their tans. I came home to a house full of exhausted little ones!
I snapped these photos at the 4-H meeting tonight, as I believe this may be Mallory and Madison's last official meeting! A lifetime of memories have been made in their 11 years of being in this club!
Quincy had a late game tonight. The other team showed up but did not have enough girls to play, so her team won by forfeit. Quincy will take any win she can get! Plus they still got snacks! I don't know if they actually would have gotten to play anyhow due to some lightening that rolled in with a storm. Since I didn't take the time to water the garden or bushes tonight, I am super excited to see rain!
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