We had one of those nice, absolutely nothing going on, family togetherness, relax and hang out weekends. They don't happen nearly often enough! The boys confiscated the trampoline so that they could practice trampoline basketball stunts. It was somewhat entertaining, but they are not nearly as amazing as they think they are!
Saige found a new hat. She doesn't want to take it off. Ever.
Jim lead 2 expansion projects this weekend too. The first one was on the chicken pen. They now have about twice as much outdoor space. The second was on the goat and calf pen. They also have about twice as much space, but we did kind of have a laugh at Jim's fence....lots of recycled products in that fence! I do not care if it is ugly as long as it holds the goats in!
I wish it wasn't over! Oh well, no rest for the wicked right?