My kids couldn't be happier about having a few days off! Today we had an eventful day. The kids started off with their 4-H club making and distributing Easter baskets to the residents at Brookside.

From there, we ventured to grandmas house to have lunch and a chicken house cleaning party. We are getting a load of broilers this week. Grandma and Aunt Stephanie are getting some too. I think we are ready now! All together, there will be about 120 birds. Quincy will be in chicken heaven!

Madison bought all the little girls chick days shirts especially for this event!

Colin finished making my new picnic table. It is goat approved!

Our little Curley fits right in here at our crazy farm where all animals seem to have identity crisis problems. She thinks she is a kid. I know she is a kid, but she thinks she is a people kid! She follows the girls everywhere. They even played nerf basketball with her!

Colin has been working days at the ranch and evenings he has been fishing. He has been taking lots of guests including Quincy, who caught a good sized catfish. Today he went fishing with his cousins and caught a lot of crappie and some bass. They even assembly line cleaned them! He is cooking it for dinner on's not lent unless you have a fish fry at least once right?

The day we first looked at this house, I said the worst color I have ever seen was in the main bathroom. It lasted 10 months longer than it should have! Good bye ugly Grody purple!

Hello Aruba Aqua!

The past 2 spring breaks, we were either packing or moving. I am very thankful that is behind us, however I live for projects! This week, we made a bedroom out of the downstairs office for Cameron. We are also moving a few of the other kids around. Cameron picked this color for his new room and I liked it enough I decided to buy extra. I painted Cameron's new room yesterday and Mallory helped me get the first coat on the bathroom today. I am going to be doing a whimsical fish theme. I think it already looks a thousand times better!