Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happening now....

 Bam!  Just like that summer is over, and we are playing fall sports.  Cam (#55 in blue above) and Colin (#53 below) had their annual blue/white scrimmage on Friday night.  The jr high played first, and Cam played really well.  The high school then played, and Colin made some really awesome tackles.  He isn't the biggest kid on the team, but I wonder if he knows that?  It was fun to get to go to one place and watch them both play, this won't happen again this season, as the freshman team plays at the same time as the jr high.  It is the frustrating reality of having a lot of kids I guess! 

 We were exceptionally happy to see a rainy weekend.  I don't remember the last time it rained for an entire day or day and a half!  We desperately needed it and are feeling blessed!  The drought has been tough, and it has been sad to watch everything dry up! 
 Quincy has a pet snake (Bob) who lives in our flower bed.  He is faithful to be there every time she goes to check on him.  Where snakes don't really bother me, I am not a fan of keeping one in the house.  Quincy has been pretty bummed about my lack of love for Bob, and so we finally caved and let her get a Beta Fish.
 I tried to talk her into naming him something totally cool, like Alpha the Beta, or Omega the Beta, but she insisted on naming him "Bluey the blue fish."  So this is the newest member of our family.  So far, he has not caused us any problems, and is very quiet and well behaved! 
 Saige and Harper are getting used to the idea that the big kids are going to school and they are stuck with me all day!  Harper handled the first day back way better than I though she would. 

Harper has come down with impetigo again.  I am distressed to see it, and am hoping that our pediatrician will take mercy on me and just phone out the medication rather than forcing me to come to Topeka!

Mallory and Madison are enjoying their new jobs.  They told me that it isn't hard, except for learning all the names of both their co-workers and the residents.  I am sure that will come with time.  I am proud of them for taking on added responsibilities. 

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