Saturday, February 16, 2013

This week we....

 Watched a little wrestling action.  Colin wrestled in his league tournament last weekend.  I felt very privileged to go watch, and a little naked because I got to go alone!  I had a nice day of visiting with my fellow wrestling moms and not wrestling any little kids in the stands!  Colin did a great job.  He placed 5th in his league tournament.
 This weekend, he is wrestling districts, if he places in the top 4 then he gets to go to state next weekend.  If not, we are very, very proud of him.  It is not easy to wrestle varsity as a freshman, and he has definitely hung tough all season, even with not winning all that frequently, we are proud of him.  I told him recently, he could have wrestled JV, he probably would have had a lot more wins, but he would not have had the experiences, and that is what is going to make him a lot better in the next couple of years.  He agreed with me.  That being said, he wrestled last night, and we had a really hard trip home in blizzard like conditions which I was totally not expecting.  I was happy to walk through the front door!!
 We also watched a lot of Jr. high basketball.  Cam's team still has not won a game, but my friend Grace accurately pointed out that Cam can hold his head high knowing that he played his best in every single game and never gave up or quit.  Thanks Grace, for putting a positive spin on a disappointing season!  :)

 Cam really is a great basketball player.  He puts his heart on the court every single minute of the game, and he plays tough the whole time, even when they are losing by a lot.  Someday, maybe some of their shots will fall right, and they will win a game!

 Saige has become very good at crowd entertainment, even when the game gets brutal!

 We also attended Valentines Day parties at school.  Quincy and Preston's parties were at different times, which meant that Harper, Saige and I were able to go to both parties and hang out!  It was a lot of fun!  Harper thought she should probably start school since going there is so exciting!

 Saige wasn't too thrilled with the Valentines Day activities, but she did have a good time helping Mrs. Carroll organize her room!
 Preston is in a rather 'active' class.  It was interesting to see the things he complains about live and in action. I hope he will be in a different mix of kids for 3rd grade next year!

 Mallory and Madison actually had Valentines day off of work.  They kept the little ones home while Jim and I went to watch Cameron play basketball.  (Very romantic date for us).  I got a kick out of seeing that they were having a Just Dance tournament when I got home.  Preston had even made up brackets.  Of course, no matter what the score said, Harper won.

 For the past 2 Valentines Days, Jim has been sick.  I had complained that it was some conspiracy or something, but this year he was not sick, however I have come down with a monster cold, and even lost my voice.  Who was the genius who decided a day of romance should be during the height of cold and flu season anyhow?
 Saige turned 15 months old on Valentines day.  She is the sweetest, funniest kid!  She makes all sorts of noises and faces and is sort of like having a little trained monkey around.  The kids all have these tricks that they make her do.  And she is happy to comply.  She is not talking yet, but she definitely knows how to get what she wants.
She is also not walking much -- she can, but she is much faster at crawling, and in this house, fast is necessary! Last night, at the wrestling tournament, she was walking back and forth between me and the railing around the gym.  The wrestling boys kept giving her food, and trying to get her to smile.  She is definitely crowd entertainment!

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