Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Blizzard of Oz 2014 style

 We are having a 'severe weather alert day' here in our neck of the woods.  The kids came home from school yesterday with the news that they had already called school off for today.  I was in Meredin at Cameron's basketball game and decided that I better have a few provisions on hand because when they said it was bad enough that the governor had already closed the state offices for today, I thought maybe it was going to get serious.  After Cameron's game, we stopped in Topeka at a Dillon's store.  The store was completely packed full of people.  I picked up some bread, milk and a couple of other things.  Then I noticed the people around me.  They had carts piled high with all sorts of stuff.  Some pushing a cart while pulling another.  I felt strangely under prepared, but decided to rough it!  I am not sure where they all live, but here in Overbrook, I figured that we could eventually get back to the store!
 When Jim and I left for work this morning, there was a slight dusting of snow.  I had the smug thought that it would be really funny if they had declared a state of emergency and the snow storm went around us!   My smugness does not pay, as it pretty quickly made up for lost time.  I think we have about 8 inches of snow at this point.
 I let the kids out to play and they had a wonderful, amazing time building forts and pelting each other with snowballs.  Except they reported that this is not good packing snow.  Which I already knew, but I don't look for them to have school tomorrow, or to be able to play outside because it is supposed to start blowing and turn excessively cold.  They will be trapped indoors, so I let them have some freedom while I could!

When they got cold and tired of being outside, we all had a delicious bowl of snow ice cream.  Yes, I know 'normal' people come in and warm up over hot chocolate, but this is tradition.  There was no way out of making it.....once you have tasted the vanilla deliciousness, you can just never forget!   We can drink hot chocolate anytime!  :)

1 comment:

  1. We have about 8 inches too! The kids loved it today and school here is cancelled again for tomorrow! I am feeling öld"after shoveling the driveway:-)
    We went through a gallon of milk today in hot chocolate... yummy!
