Monday, February 10, 2014

Olympic Quotes (and other randomness)

 The kids and I have been watching the Olympics.  I have yet to decide if this is a good thing to do with them or not.  This is the scene I walked in on yesterday.
Me:  Dragging Saige on a sleeping bag?  Is that a good idea?
Cam : you said people train for a lifetime to be in the Olympics, starting their training when they are little.
Me : yes, I did say that, but what does that have to do with you dragging your sister around?
Cam : we are starting her Olympic training.  Saige is our last hope - well, her or Harper but Harper is sooooooo uncooperative!  She is going to be a gold medal bobsledder.

Quote by Colin:  If Ice skating is to be taken seriously as a sport, then they have to get better music.

And by Quincy: Down hill skiing is soooo easy....I don't think they have to train for that!
Me:  It is NOT easy, look how fast they are going, it is dangerous and takes a lot of skill.
Quincy: Well I didn't have any trouble doing it, it is EASY!
Me:  When have you ever been skiing?
Quincy:  I do it all the time on the Wii!

And during the opening ceremony - Harper:  Why are they dancing around with giant tea cups???
 It is probably good that the Olympics don't happen every year!
 We spent the weekend (besides watching the Olympics) playing basketball.  I watched Preston and Quincy play, and Jim went to Cameron's jr. high tournament at Royal Valley.  None of our teams was very successful, but it is still fun to watch them.

The sale on our land was complete this morning.  It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be.  Now we just need to find someone who wants to buy the Amityville house.  Moving forward with new dreams, new hopes and a little bit of excitement.

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