Tonight was the final game of the freshman schedule in Iola. I had never been to Iola before....and I can say I don't know that I really ever need to go again! It is sort of a long drive from my house!
Cameron had a good game. He hurt his arm In The first half, but continued to make good plays anyway.

In my opinion, although this season has been better than the last couple, this team and these particular kids have a long way to go in learning to be team players. There was improvement though, so that is a positive.

I am proud of Cameron for seeing the season through despite a couple of rough patches. He loves the game, and is dedicated to improvement which I think is admirable.

I stayed home from work today because Harper had a fever. She may have been the sick one, but Saige was more challenging! Nothing was right in Saige world today! Example: she cried for half an hour because her noodles in her chicken soup were wet. I am a pretty good cook, but I do not know how to cook dry noodles!

Thank heavens for Johnny, he helped snap her out of her sadness! Such a naughty kitty, but so cute it is hard to get mad at him! He loves to get into things- like the drawers, boxes and bags, and the cabinets. He is constantly popping out of places I need to put things into!

Preston had a field trip today to the one room school house in Topeka. They were role playing that it was early 1900's and he was to try to dress for the era, as well as bringing a lunch that was filled with foods typical for that time period. I didn't get to talk to Preston tonight, as I was at basketball, but Jim told me that Preston did not necessarily enjoy the trip. He said it was cold and boring. It broke Madison's heart, as that was one of her all time favorite field trips as a kid.

A friend of mine's mom is going to Haiti on mission trip next month, and is collecting fleece blankets to hand out while she is there. Last night, I taught my RE class using the parable of the Good Samaritan, we talked about being good neighbors, and we tied up some blankets. As lessons go, I think this may have been one of the best ones as far as the kids getting really excited. We are praying for my friends mom to have a safe and successful trip. And I am throwing in an extra prayer that the recipients of these blankets are blessed and that they do not suffer from OCD as 6-7 year old blanket tieing may have its imperfections. ;)