Preston and Quincy had their mid year band concert last night. We were not there early enough to get good seats, but we enjoyed listening to both bands. I would even say I was impressed with the 7th grade band. They played some amazing pieces of music!
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Football banquet
Last night was the football banquet. I have been to a lot of these, and last night was the first one where they did not run out of food! They honored the seniors. I am very proud of these boys. Some of them have been in our lives since they were born! Hard to believe they are almost adults!
Saturday, November 25, 2017
One of 'them days'
This is kind of day I have a love/hate with. I love that my kids are involved, ready and willing to help, and hard working. I hate when every single thing seems to fall on the same day. The 4-H club had a bake sale at the Christmas at Home event in town. We baked cookies. Having to bake in bulk makes me miss Madison....she loves doing this sort of thing. I love to bake, but don't seem to have the patience for it like she does. Needless to say, I had willing assistants and we made oatmeal blueberry as well as chocolate chip! They turned out good!
Quincy and Harper worked a shift at the bake sale and I can say that there wasn't much left! I heard it was a tremendous success! I am proud of our little working club!
One of our club community service projects is to ring bells for the Salvation Army. Today was one of the dates we were assigned. There were not many people available today, so we took a shift after the bake sale. The girls had fun, and it was really nice outside today, so I feel like we got lucky there!
Saige only wanted to have a couple of her bff's over and have a piƱata for her birthday. Easy enough to do, but finding a time between the craziness and the holiday proved difficult. We decided we better get that done today as well. Saige has spent the whole evening squealing with happiness, so it is totally worth it! That's NOT to say I am not praying for them to fall asleep soon however!
I honestly love these times. I know how fast they disappear. I would much rather have all the kids here, squealing with their friends, under my roof!
Friday, November 24, 2017
On Monday, Preston and Quincy made their confirmations. Their teacher stood in as a sponsor and was very supportive. Today, Sandra got married. Preston and Quincy were the acolytes in her wedding. It was pretty neat to see them serve her during a sacrament too. They really are turning into great little servers!
Because of my father, I am chronically early. I don't mind being early, but sometimes my kids don't like waiting around for things to start. Today, we were 20 minutes early, so we checked out a historical landmark we saw signs for close to the church. It was a beautiful day today!
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a nice, easy thanksgiving here at our house. We all greatly missed Madison. We still had an amazing day and feel thankful and blessed.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Jim's birthday
Jim celebrated his birthday yesterday. He isn't one who loves being sang to or having candles, but he does love cake (he also got chicken fried steak)! Sometimes, as we get older, the celebrations seem less amazing. Jim got to celebrate his day by taking a day off work. Then, because he was off work, he took Preston to an orthopedic appointment (where Preston was released!). Jim was happy because he got to go out for lunch with Preston! He then got to spend the evening watching Quincy play basketball. Some people might not find this to be an amazing birthday celebration, but Jim loves watching the kids play just about any sport!
Quincy's team didn't win, but when watching the warm ups we thought it would be a terribly lopsided game. They did a great job not getting killed!
I am happy that we have our Jim. He is the dad who is always showing the kids stuff. Explaining it to them. The one who is willing to rehash every play in a game with them, always teaching. He has a mind for fairness, order, and is an excellent peacekeeper in a house that isn't always sane. We love you Jim! So glad you don't mind having your birthday hijacked!
Monday, November 20, 2017
Preston and Quincy's confirmation
Preston and Quincy made their Confirmations at Annunciation church in Baldwin tonight. I am so very proud of them and the work they put in! And they clean up pretty nicely too! Quincy was happy to announce this will be the last dress she wears in her life and the last time I can ever fix her hair "fancy"!!
Preston did an excellent job reading petitions!
Their confirmation teacher, Sandra.
What happens if you come home from college and don't bring dress clothes? You have to dress up like Cameron!
Our Parish priest, Father Jo was pretty animated tonight!
Sandra was Quincy's sponsor. Grandma was Preston's. They all did a great job!
And there were a couple people extremely happy that mass ended and they got cake!