Sunday, April 26, 2009


As I said, yesterday was my cousin's wedding. I took several photos of Preston in his tux, and also have several photos of the new baby pigs, Preston's t-ball team and a few others, but we are having a little downloading difficulty, so I will just share this photo of Preston with my sister. Aunt Amy doesn't really enjoy wearing dresses, so she got a lot of torment from my children about looking so pretty!

The wedding itself was really nice. Everything went off smoothly, and everyone who was supposed to be there (groom) showed up! The reception was a little on the interesting side, as the tornado sirens went off and there were rotating clouds above the city of Lawrence. Jim and I decided that it was clear enough for us to take the kids and come on home, and we didn't have any trouble, or even hit any real rain. The folks at the reception didn't fare quite as well, and had to take cover in the basement of the reception hall. Nobody was hurt, and most thought it was a memorable wedding reception! I guess Kara and Ted will always remember how a tornado graced their first hours of marriage!

We had a great time at the 4-H swimming party today. And we were lucky enough to get our whole swim time in before the storms hit yet again, and they closed the pool! The aquatic center in Lawrence is really nice, and they have so much stuff for the kids to do, it is really fun! Quincy and Preston hung out with Madison on the slide and the boys spent almost the whole time perfecting their backflips off the high dive. I quit watching them after a few minutes, they kind of scare me! The more I fret, the more wild the dives seem to become. The easiest thing to do is let the lifeguard watch their antics!

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