Thursday, April 23, 2009


Photos will be attached soon! I promise!
I just wanted to do a quick update to let you know that Preston's t-ball team got a name! They are the Blue Angels. He is pretty excited about that - even though he wanted to be the Power Rangers!

Also recieving names this week: 4 baby pigs. Mallory named her's "Katy Piggy"

Madison's is "Sarah Piglin"

Colin has "Jenius" (because his tail forms a "J")

Cameron named his "Doc"

The pigs seem to be handling their move well, and they are starting to get used to us being around!

We have had a full week, and the weekend is bound to be a little bit wild as well! My cousin is getting married, Preston is the ring bearer, Mallory and Madison are going to be acolytes. Preston's tux is very cute, and he wants to keep it forever. I told him we would take lots of photos instead!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see pictures of Preston in his tux! That will be so cute!! I remember Eisen wearing one when he was 4 and he was a doll. Of course, he still is a doll! Hope he walks down the aisle because Eisen didn't do so well!
