Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Almost new news...

Harper has been showing some signs of having lazy eyes. We have an appointment coming up with a pediatric eye doctor. I was thrilled to get this photo since it clearly shows what I have been seeing for a few weeks now. I hope that they can help her painlessly!
We have all been enjoying the warm weather! This is "Tom" - Quincy's new pet garter snake - who lives in the rocks around the flower bed in the back yard. She had to go show him to our neighbor Randy, and she has to look to make sure he is still hanging out back there every day! If he was a smart snake, he would move someplace else! She would like to keep Tom on her dresser in her room, but I worry he would escape!

Yesterday was the school board election. Unfortunately, Jim was not victorious. I think Jay is the reason - he was in charge of dirty tricks and we just didn't have any! (Just Kidding!). We are disappointed because Jim had some great ideas, and would have been a great asset to the board, but on the other hand, we really do have enough to do - especially on Wednesday nights - so we are not extremely upset!

We also are happy to announce that there will be an 8th baby in our family! Sometime around Jim's birthday in November! Jim wants to name the baby "Henry the 8th" but I vetoed this! We told the kids this morning - Jim said - "we have some news" then he told the kids. The teenagers said "geez this is your 8th child, this is HARDLY news!" :) Gotta love them! We are very excited, happy and feel very blessed.


  1. I must admit I like the Henry the 8th idea. Sorry Hope but it is funny and ironic!!!

  2. no, no, no...if it's a boy...
    Martavious Jamar Koger...

    it has a nice ring to it, AND it comes with street cred!!

    did you ever try any of the beanboozled jelly beans??
