Sunday, May 22, 2011

4-H spring fling

The kids 4-H club had their first spring fling tonight. Of course, no 4-H party would be complete without a rousing game of cow tongue football!

Cam found that he has a ways to go before he can compete with Gene Simmons!

But he did have a fun time with flinging the tongue at certain girls in the club!
Quincy and Preston thought hands down, the best part was the slip and slide. They have been wanting to swim really bad, so this is the next best thing!

There was also an overly competitive game of wiffle in which both sides claimed that they won!

How many kids can you get on a slip and slide?

It was a very good thing that the party was planned for tonight, because 24 hours earlier it would have been interrupted by tornado sirens. We did not have any tornadoes hit Overbrook, but there were several not far from here. It was enough to make Mallory go into prep mode and put all the supplies in the basement.

Coming up on the first week of regular season base/softball. I am looking forward to watching games.

1 comment:

  1. Cow tongue football?!?!? Do I even want to know?!?!?
    Hope you are all doing great!
