Friday, May 6, 2011


Photos from Quincy's preschool field trip this week. They took a nature hike!

My grandma Shirley lost her battle with cancer this week. She died on Cinco de Mayo. While I am immensely sad for myself, I am happy to know that she is with Jesus and back with my grandpa, who I know she had missed. She accepted death with grace and dignity, and peace. Today, I had the pleasure of going through all of her photos to make some boards for the visitation. I am so glad I went! I was always close to my grandma, she lived a couple of miles down the road and I saw her literally every single day of my childhood. I saw her several times a month even in my adulthood. She was the one who insisted that we have birthday parties even after we were adults, so that we could all get together. What I learned today, though, was how truly blessed my grandma's life was. She had a happy childhood, with loving parents. She married my grandpa when she was young, but they adored each other and were very happily married for over 50 years. She was dedicated to her faith, and gave a ton of time serving her church. I saw photos of trips that she took, and of their 7 children, 20 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren - each of us knowing full well that she cherished us all. I was stuck by how a person with so many people in her life can truly love and give so much, and make all of us feel as if we were important to her. It was an honor to have her as my grandma!

Even though we have been saddened by losing grandma, life does keep moving. With there being only one week left in the school year, the kids have had a ton of year end activities!

Cameron was Larry Bird in the 5th grade wax museum. He did an awesome job! We were very proud of him! He worked very hard to memorize his speech - that he gave numerous times when you pushed the "button" on his hand! All of his classmates did outstanding!

Madison and Mallory had their year end Band Extravaganza this week too. The band was very impressive, and I truly enjoyed it!

Mallory and Madison were both honored with medals this week for being in the top 10 of the freshman class! Jim and I are extremely proud of them!

Preston and Cameron had their field day today. It was a bit windy, but I think they had a great time! Quincy and Harper had a good time watching all the kids!

Colin did not have track practice tonight, instead he thought it would be a grand idea if he hooked Quincy's electric motor cycle to the tractor, that way he didn't have to push Harper on the tractor - it would definitely save his back! If you look close, you will see a bike chain hooking them together....and bungee cords holding Harper to the tractor seat. I made him unhook it, but I did take a photo first - see what I have to deal with? :) The king of accidents - all I am going to say is I am glad Jim was at work when he concocted this plan!

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