Sunday, May 15, 2011

Starting out summer

Colin had his first ball game last night- it was a double header. Of course, I have been cold at some of the kids games before - but I actually left during the second game because Quincy and I were so cold! Luckily, Madison had volunteered to stay home with Harper or we probably wouldn't have made it through the first game! Colin got to play right and left field and second base - and his batting was awesome - he did great! I am looking forward to seeing this team play - it is going to be a lot of fun to watch them - they have great potential - I just hope it warms up so it feels like baseball season!
Harper doesn't like to sleep alone - so its a good thing we have Stacy!

Yesterday there was a spring pig show in town. We did not show any pigs, but Mallory and Madison did try to sell some of their drawing tickets. They did not have much luck, and since it was so cold, they closed up shop early and came home! I drove about 80 miles yesterday, and all of it was around in circles in Overbrook! Everyone had some place to be, and everyone needed a ride because it was cold!
We have officially had our air conditioner on and then switched back to the furnace in the same week!
It feels a bit weird!

We promised Colin we would stop on our way home from vacation in Olathe at the Bass Pro Shop. BUT, on our way home from vacation it was snowing and we were exhausted, so we promised him we could go sometime in May! Today Jim fulfilled the promise! Quincy thought that they were going fishing - I hope she isn't disappointed when they get there!

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