Tuesday, January 31, 2012


This Kid

And This Kid
Were both recognized tonight for making the honor roll for the first semester of their sophomore year! We are very proud of them!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cheer and Basketball Saturday

Quincy attended Cheer Camp all week at the high school. It is a fundraiser for the SFT Cheer Squad. The high schoolers teach all the little girls (and I suppose boys too, although I didn't see any) a couple of cheers and then they perform at the halftime show of the basketball game on Friday night. Quincy had a wonderful time going to Cheer Camp - she thought she was going to high school for the week! It would be a severe understatement to say she was excited last night - she was absolutely giddy and jumping up and down a couple of hours before the game even started! She gets wound up for sure!

She did a great job cheering....although I did have one conversation with her that it was "Eat 'em Up" not "Freak 'em up!" :)

The girls all did a couple cheers together, and then each grade took a turn doing a special cheer. Quincy did a great job of cheering with her class, but when it was her turn to sit on the floor while the other classes cheered, well I will just say that she kept the crowd entertained. She may or may not have been seen licking her shoes and making wild faces into the crowd.

And of course, it is full on basketball around her on Saturdays. Cam's team played this morning. They did not come out on the winning end, but Cam played great! He is a pretty intense kid - and I am not sure all his team mates share his passion or his intensity!

Cam (#7) does not stand around on the court, Mallory tried to take some photos for me and she said it is much easier to get shots of Colin!!

We went from Cam's game to Preston's game. Preston is also a pretty intense player! His team did win their game, and Preston played really well. When it was over he said he had fun, but to me it didn't seem like he was having fun. Fun shouldn't be that stressful!

He did make a pretty sweet lay-up!

And Saige is learning all the basketball rules!

She is their greatest fan!

And now I am cooking food for a 4-H party. I do love some weekend 'down time!!'

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hair, Clothing Choices and a 6th Grade Concert

I spent 2 days trying to capture the hilarious hair of Saige. When she swings, it blows in the wind, and when I uncover her from being outside all covered in blankets, she gets static and it stands on end. It totally cracks me up. Anyhow, after 2 days, I have decided that I am either just not a good enough photographer, or I need a better camera. (Jim- if you are reading this, please don't panic).
This photo sort of shows the hair thing....but of course I had 'help' from Harper - she does LOVE to help me. We are currently in the 'naked Barbie' phase of Harper's childhood.

And as much as I try to be a fun mom, I am not sure Saige was all that happy with my efforts! Maybe she doesn't want her crazy hair documented!!

In addition to naked Barbies, Harper loves to make laundry for me. She insists on changing clothes if she gets any spot of anything on her outfit. If it gets a spot of dirt, sometimes we can convince her its ok by wiping it off, but if it is wet, well forget it....she IS getting a new outfit -period.

She also likes to have her photo taken, and yesterday in the middle of my trying to capture the crazy hair, Harper said "taka picture of Harper's hat." Who could resist her?

Notice that in this photo she is wearing different clothes? Wet happened! She picked out the shorts herself - they belong to Colin. She is so inventive that she put the drawstring around her neck to hold them up! She only got a little upset when I wouldn't let her wear the shorts to go pick up the kids from school!

Last night was the 6th grade "Music Extravaganza." Cam is the one in the back row scratching his head. He kind of cracked us up because he didn't seem to know too many of the words to the songs that they were singing!

He does, however, know how to play the trombone! His band sounded pretty awesome!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

8th Grade Basketball

Mallory went with me last night to watch Colin's basketball team play. She is pretty good at catching action shots! Colin (#21) shot the ball a lot - and she got a great shot of him! His team did not win. I am amused by the way Colin plays basketball - he is pretty rough! Usually he gets a lot of fouls! Last night, his game was pretty close and time was running out - I hear the coach yell "Foul Someone" and I see my son run over to the kid with the ball, smack him in the head and shove him out of bounds! Good thing they don't call flagrant fouls in Jr. High! I asked him why he chose to foul like that and his response was "what other kind of foul is there?" Maybe he better stay on the mats!?!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A weekend for Basketball and Late Christmas

On Saturday, Cameron played basketball in Osage city (Cam is #7). I was excited because I finally got to go to watch him play! He played really well! I am amazed by how quick he is!

We went from Cam's game over to Carbondale to watch Preston play his game. Preston had 12 points! (Preston is #3). He is having a ton of fun playing!

We then went from Preston's game home to watch the Wildcats beat Oklahoma State! It was a whole day of basketball!

We also had Christmas with Jim's family today. Jim's parents were out of town over the holidays, and we were supposed to get together a couple weeks ago, however Saige got sick and we had to postpone. To say that Quincy was anxious would be an understatement! She could hardly sit still during mass this morning!

And Colin was super excited because he got the long underwear with the butt flap that he has been wanting for a couple of years now! Should have taken a photo of him after he put them on and spent the rest of the party wearing them! He says they are ultra- comfortable!

Another weekend successfully over! It was a fun one though!

Friday, January 20, 2012


We are all happy that the weekend is almost here!
It has been a long week with lots of running....sometimes I feel like I barely see my kids!

Although weekends mean more running, at least we all run together and can spend a little time in the same locations!

And Harper is always happy because weekends mean that she isn't stuck with me!!! She is lonely when the kids go off to school!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Things for today

I have accepted that life is busy, that we are going to run like maniacs, and that we pay our mortgage payment only so we have a place to live when we get old. What I didn't understand is how excited I would get when things actually work out where I can do all the things I would like to do without having to miss something, reschedule, or say no. Its the little things!

Saige had her 2 month checkup yesterday- she weighed 12 pounds 14 oz! Her hobby is eating, so she is clearly good at what she does! Her ears were clear, and her upper respiratory mess is also cleared up. I am happy to say she was given a clean bill of health. And then she had to get shots! Nothing makes me feel worse than when a kid is all happy, cooing and smiling and then you have to hand them over to be stabbed in the legs multiple times! She was highly insulted!

Colin had a basketball game yesterday. While I was getting my baby stabbed in the legs, Jim went to watch. Colin plays basketball like a wrestler! We often joke with him that he has more fouls than points! He played a good game, and had a lot of fun. I am glad Jim had the day off and could go.

We also got the girls car fixed. I thought the blower motor was out of their heater. The mechanic warned me that this was going to be 'expensive' but what choice do you really have but to fix it? The total bill - $54. Well that is the kind of expensive I can deal with! Apparently it was not the motor but a series of fuses! Sigh of relief! They are hoping that the air conditioning will be as 'expensive' to fix this summer! But the main, most important part of the story is that it was done when they had the day off, and they were not forced to ride the bus!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

a 2 month old!

Saige is 2 months old today!
HEY! You taking pictures of baby Saige? Taka picture of Harper! Hey Taka picture of Harper!
Yes your highness!

Saige is so sweet! She is really starting to have some personality. I told someone today that I love this age, they sleep a little better, smile and coo, but yet when you put them down they don't go anywhere!

We are definitely enjoying her!

And to celebrate her 2 month birthday, she was treated to going to Preston's first basketball game!

Preston is playing basketball through the Carbondale Rec. They have a neat little intramural program, they all get together and practice fundamentals, and then they play games against each other. He was really excited to be on the red team with two of his best buddies!

HEY! You taking pictures? Taka picture of Harper, Hey taka picture of Harper!

Yes your highness!

You might notice that Preston is laying on the floor (#3). This is because it was a pretty rough game of smack-down basketball. You might also notice that the ref was Colin.....which explains a lot....he is a wrestler!! Quincy even yelled - "Hey Ref - get some glasses!" - she may or may not have gotten an ejection warning!

When the game was over, Preston proclaimed that he liked basketball SO much MORE than he did wrestling last year! I guess Cam has someone to keep him company! Preston made a couple of baskets in the game too! :)

Cam had a basketball game in Osage today, they did not win, but Cam did make a lot of their points, and had a great game! I guess we can do it all again next Saturday!