Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random Ramblings

I like these two photos of Saige because they both illustrate the kissable cheeks that she is sporting! Girlie got some cheek!
I do think that the girlie is feeling better. She still has a touch of the upper respiratory junk - mostly just a nasty little cough that won't go away, and she still seems to have one ear that is bothering her - lots of drainage and when we mess with it she cries. She goes in for her two month check up on Monday, so we will finish the antibiotics and see what the doctor has to say about it! She definitely scared me a little bit....a couple of nights I could not sleep because I was so worried about her breathing. I see a great deal of improvement in that department so I do feel better!

Colin's jr high is on a ski trip to Weston, Missouri today. It is a trip that is a reward for those kids whose behavior and grades are good. He was so excited! He went last year, but as a kid who had NEVER skied in his life, I bought him the beginner pass. This year, he insisted that skiing is 'not that hard' and begged us for the advanced pass. We caved in - it basically means he can go on bigger hills and try some jumps. I have been waiting all day to get a call to come scrape him off the hill and get him to the ER, but so far the phone has not been ringing.....I will keep praying on that! He just has no sense of danger - never has, I am guessing never will! I just hope he has fun without getting hurt!

The kids have started line dancing practices again. Preston is so excited about it....he really is enjoying his first year in 4-H! He came home from the first practice and really worked on his steps at home. I think we are also doing a model meeting, but I haven't gotten any notices about practicing for that yet. I loved doing this stuff when I was a kid....I clearly remember working on speeches and liked doing model meetings. I also clearly remember my brothers thinking I was weird for it!

Harper and Cameron both had physicals this week. I had a board meeting, so Jim took off work and took them. Both had to get shots. I know it is mean, but I had to giggle -- Harper told me "Harper don't like that!" and then Jim came in and he said he never wanted to take her to get shots again - he is just too soft hearted! Daddy can't stand to see his little girl upset - she got over it with a stop for donuts! Guessing that Jim won't want to take off work on Monday for Saige's shots!

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