Thursday, June 14, 2012

7 Months of Saige Grace

 Saigie Paigie Poo is 7 months old today!  She is sweet, makes a lot of noise, including growling in the back of her throat, likes to stick out her tongue, and loves, loves, loves to be held, which would be so so much more fun if she would actually hold still!  She likes to see everything!!  She is starting to really love eating actual food too!  Unfortunately, she has experienced some foods which we would not recommend feeding to a baby - such as popcorn, because her big sister Harper is so much help!!
 She also is starting to scoot everywhere and we are having to re-learn about baby proofing a house!!

 Mallory and Madison left this afternoon for their CWF trip.  They are spending tonight in Kansas City, close to the airport because their plane leaves so early!  Tomorrow morning they fly to New York for a couple of days, and then take a train to Washington DC for the rest of next week.  This is a trip they have worked so hard to go on.  Two years of meetings, planning, and fundraising are finally over with!  I know it is the trip of a lifetime, and I am so proud of them!
 Quincy is on a very inexperienced softball team this year.  They are all learning, but I am happy to report that Quincy got a double and ended up making their team's first run of the season.  She was pretty excited!

 Last year, she wanted to be there, but just didn't really understand what to do.....this year she really gets it!  She is paying attention, trying hard and making some great plays!  She is also having a lot of fun!
 It has been a very busy week, and I was very excited to have an evening home, but I must say that I considered for a brief time whether putting Harper on a leash would be legal.  She has had quite a few "adventures" lately.  Today alone she dumped Saige's baby shampoo on the kitchen floor, dumped Colin's tackle box on the driveway, and used an entire jar of peanut butter to moisturize her legs, arms, belly and hair.  We had a long talk over a warm bath and a scrub brush, and she promises to do better from now on!!  No leashes were used to come to this conclusion!

The kids have also been battling impentigo this week.  I must say this is not a fun thing to get, or to get rid of.  I have made multiple trips to the doctor's office, and then the next kid comes down with a spot, which quickly becomes spots.  We are now bleaching our bath tub between kids, and I have lysoled and washed, bleached towels, and everyone is on antibiotics.  The sores are painful, and it is contagious, so it has not been very fun.  I think we are getting close to a cure though!  I hope so, I do love our pediatrician, but prefer not to see him in the summer months!! 

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