Sunday, June 24, 2012

Colin's 14th birthday

Happy Birthday Colin!  We love you!
 Colin turned 14 years old today!  He is pretty easy to please, and only wanted grilled steaks, home made chocolate pudding, chocolate cake, and corn on the cob!  :)  Those things are easy enough! 

I had to laugh a little bit this morning at mass, they announced it was "somebody's" birthday and there was cake and ice cream downstairs after mass.  Colin got all excited - how nice that they were honoring him!  I had read in the bulletin that it was another member's 80th birthday party!!  I told him unless you are 80 and not 14, the cake down there is NOT in your honor!!

His big plans include trying to pass the driver's test to get his farm permit.  I am comfortable with his driving skills (we have been practicing) but I am a little uncomfortable with his lack of sense of what is dangerous!  Colin is a great kid though.  I have been truly impressed this summer by his work ethic.  He doesn't complain, jumps in and we get the job done.  Lining fields is not a hard job, but it is time consuming, hot, and dirty work!  He has also been helping in the concession stand, and I would not have made it through having the girls gone without his and Cam's help.  (Side note - thank you Madison for the Revolutionary War hats -- you know that Cam will be wearing his proudly to your graduation and wedding). 
 Since we had to go to Kansas City to the airport to pick up the girls, Jim took Colin shopping at Cabella's.  He was pretty excited with his new stash of fishing lures!  I think he had fun with his dad, and what should have been simple turned into quite an adventure! 

 Mallory and Madison landed safely with their group.  They had a wonderful trip, and were happy to be back in Kansas.  Jim and Colin finished their shopping excursion and found them at the airport.  They headed out, only to have the girl's car stop running on I-435.  Jim called me and said he thought there was something majorly wrong.  He had taken their car because his starter has been acting weird, and my van has a questionable tire.  He said that another 4-H family had stopped to help, and that the dad was off buying some gas.....just in case, but Jim said he had put a lot of gas in the tank before he left, so he felt sure that wasn't the problem (their gas guage sticks a little bit, but it was saying 1/2 a tank).  I told him I would head that direction and we could call one of my cousins to haul the car home.  I didn't make it very far before they called back to report that the gas had done the trick and they were once again on their way home.  I breathed a sigh of relief because I was so excited to have my 3rd driver back-- didn't want to lose the car!!  :)  Needless to say, the story has a happy ending.  The girls made it back safely, had a wonderful trip, and the little kids were extremely happy to see them!  I was too! 
I was cleaning house today and kept hearing Harper say "WHOOOOO WHOOOOOOO WHOOOOO" so I went to see what she was up to -- she said "Hi Momma - I'm a scary goat"  -- who wouldn't be scared of this??

Now we are off and running in a new week.  Somehow, I don't think this one will be nearly as crazy as last week was!

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