Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We have been hearing great things from the traveling girls.  They even called tonight to catch up a little bit!  I really liked this photo of them at Mount Vernon.  Mallory reported that she wished she had more time to spend there!  I remember thinking the same thing when I visited!  The little girls have been missing them really bad!  Quincy told Harper "I bet the girls really miss us" to which Harper responded "yea they should come home now!"  The good news is that our neighbor Bev is home from her trip - that was a great source of anxiety to Quincy - she didn't think Bev should be gone so long! 
I admit that I miss the girls for more reasons than just that they are my kids and I love them.  Today was a busy day, and having an extra driver around is very helpful!  Jim and I got it all done, but in the end, I felt like I got hit by a truck and now am so wound up I don't think I will be able to sleep for a while yet!

Preston had a game tonight, and hit a very nice double.  He was pretty pumped up.  As he was up to bat I noticed that he had on one of his cleats and one of Quincy's!  I asked him if mis-matched shoes make you bat better!  He hadn't noticed!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I sure miss those girls! I am glad they are having a good time and that they were able to go on this trip to DC... but I will be even "gladder" to give them big hugs!! (from Grandma Nancy)
