Friday found us in the middle of a small ice storm. Luckily, most of us had the day off. Jim had to brave the roads and go into work. Colin ended up going shopping for Black Friday deals. They reported that the roads weren't that bad. I opted to stay home.

We had a little hot chocolate, made soup and cinnamon rolls.

Quincy has had irritated eyes. We treated her for pinkeye, but it hasn't really made any difference. It hasn't slowed her down any.

Today, Jim took all the boys and Quincy to watch KSU play football in the sunflower showdown agains KU. They got the tickets before they realized it was going to be a yucky weather day. The little girls and the kitties and I stayed home and snuggled.

They layered up, looking like Michelin men and bravely went to watch their Cats. They pretty much had their pick of seats.
Regardless of the nasty weather, they reported having a great time. Of course, the Cats winning helped too!