Monday, November 16, 2015

And other doings

Harper lost a tooth on Veterans Day.  She was pretty excited between the tooth and the upcoming assembly at school.  We had a wild morning.  
Saige also had to dress the part for Veterans Day, and she was supposed to take birthday treats to story time that morning, but she ended up throwing up and didn't get to go. 
In addition to football games that were 3 hours away, and birthdays, and birthday parties, the kids 4-H club also had a bake sale at a craft fair.  I was supremely thankful on Friday that Madison loves to bake, because when I got home at 1:30 in the morning, the baked goods were done. 
The sale was a huge success I heard.  My kids had a great time working.  
We had some weird invasion of lady bugs.  They came in about 2 weeks ago and instantly went up into the vaulted ceilings where they have been clustered for days and days.  I don't like killing stuff, but this really annoyed me, mostly because I can't reach high enough to shoo them out.  Today, Jim and Colin took care of the problem with some contraption they built.  I would feel bad, but there are about 2000 more all over the outside of the house. 

1 comment:

  1. We have had tons of ladybugs here too- weird for November. Some of ours are really "Ladybugs" and some of ours are the Asian Lady Beetles that are more pink than red and not such a good bug to have around, Ugh! They haven't moved inside on us but we have nests out in the flower beds and garden.
    We lost a tooth this week too! Clara was very excited!
