Monday, January 28, 2019

Life is chaos

When Jim and I decided to have a large family, we knew that there would be times of craziness and we are ok with that.  One might even say I enjoy it.  Jim is usually the calming factor, but even he cannot prevent complete chaos on occasion.  Enter this weekend.  Quincy had a basketball tournament at Seamen.  I was excited because Preston's team was also playing at Seamen, and I had agreed to drive the bus, so I thought I might be able to catch both kids!  Nope.  Preston's team played a couple of blocks away at the middle school.  Jim was able to bounce back and forth and catch both kids playing, but I had to stay with Preston's team since I was their chauffeur.  Quincy's team won 1 and lost 2.  Harper took pictures, but Quincy didn't like them, so she deleted them!  I don't think that Quincy was actually upset by the losses this week.  She seemed like she thought they just didn't play as well as they sometimes do.  Truthfully, I think she is feeling ready to move to a new activity.  I am not sure if she has any more tournaments or not.  They were still discussing/deciding.  Quincy was happy because she got to go shopping with Landrie and they picked out crazy "jumpsuits" that they are going to wear every single Monday until school lets out.  Landrie also spent the night Saturday night, and they made all sorts of crazy time lapse videos and giggled all night long.

Preston's team played 2 games.  The first game, they looked awesome, and lost the game by 1 point in a heartbreaking, hard fought game. I really thought they played as well or better than I have ever seen them play.  The second game was against Washburn rural and I am pretty sure that those boys all have futures in the NBA.  Just kidding, but they really were pretty good.  Preston's team just didn't know what to do with them and lost pretty handily.  The good part was that we were home in time to watch the KSU game, although as it turned out, that game wasn't too fun to watch!  

Mallory fell down the stairs and thought she broke her ankle.  Turns out, she just has a very bad sprain.  She got her first ever substitute and had to make lesson plans and panic a little bit from home.  I took her to get an x-ray this morning, and we managed to get her into an air cast, thanks to my friend Dodie loaning us one for Cameron a while back that I forgot to return.  (Thanks Dodie - we owe you bigtime!).  One injured party is just never enough.

Last night, we had a set of twins born.  I am thankful they were born before the Arctic air comes in tonight.  While Mallory and I were in town, we stopped and picked up a couple more heat lamps and some extra bulbs.  This little white one is so cute!  Can't have her freezing!  There are still 2 does who have not had their kids, but one is starting to seem barren, and the other one isn't bagging, so I don't think she is due any time real soon.  I always appreciate when the babies aren't born when it is horribly cold!  We should be having puppies next week.  All these babies mean spring should be getting here soon!  We hope at least!

Speaking of babies, our sweet Evie is really filling out!  Yesterday she weighed 4 pounds 13 ounces.  She is doing so good!  She is taking roughly half her feedings from a bottle now.  I am proud of her!  I just can't get enough of this sweet baby!  Madison said they have started to pack.  That sure does make me happy!

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