Sunday, January 20, 2019

What a weekend!

Cameron and Colin left on Friday in both an effort to beat the incoming snowstorm, and because Cameron had to work all weekend.  They were both excited.  Cameron is starting his second semester at KSU.  Colin is off to Manhattan Tech to attend lineman school.  I hope the semester goes well for both of them!  My house sure got quiet!  

Quincy was in a basketball tournament.  The weather was not too good, we heard the roads were pretty bad, and we really thought it would be cancelled.  It wasn’t.  We made the decision that Jim would take her and I would stay home with the other kids.  She had a great day playing, although they had a pretty hard bracket and lost all three games.  Quincy was excited because dad took her to lunch at Border Bandito, a place that no human should eat.   She also got him to buy her some new basketball shoes.  A good day for her.  

While Jim and Quincy were at basketball, the kids and I were cleaning house, and doing laundry.  Saige and Preston were supposed to be tasked with cleaning the basement.  Somehow that lead to Saige falling off a desk.  Cleaning injuries are the weirdest.  Saige is sort of dramatic.  She cried a lot, but I gave her some motrin and an ice pack, and she sat happily and watched a movie.  I figured she would be fine in a few minutes.  She wasn't.  She refused to use her arm at all, and by Sunday, was still not using it and crying if we tried to touch it.  Jim and I decided she better have an x-ray.  Since he sat at basketball for literally 13 hours on Saturday, I took on Express Care duty.  :)  Saige has a buckle fracture near the wrist.  Apparently, little kid bones are somewhat soft, so instead of breaking, they buckle or sort of accordion up.  They put a splint on it and told us to follow up with our regular doctor.  She said the splint helps keep it still and she is not in as much pain.
Saige did feel well enough to attend the 4-H cooking project meeting on making homemade cakes.  It was a very good meeting that we all enjoyed!  Quincy enjoyed it so much that she came home and re-made the recipe for the people who didn't attend.

Of course, we all enjoy our daily Evelyn updates.  She is growing!  Up to 4 pounds 4 ounces!  I love the way she has her feet propped up and looks like she is just chillin'!  She is doing good with her bottle!  Hoping that the progress is steady and we will have her home soon!

The kids and Jim have today off for Martin Luther King day.  I don't.  But that is ok because at my office, I can sit down and breathe and that seems like a nice break to me!  

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