Saturday, September 30, 2023

Unsuccessfully unbusy

With only 3 kids left at home, none of which is really overly involved in anything sports wise, or activity wise at school, I thought we were in for a remarkably unbusy season.   I was actually excited about it.  I may have even bragged a little bit.  Man I learn hard.  There just is no such thing as not being busy.  If it isn’t kids, it’s work, if it isn’t work, it’s husbands. As much as I would love to stay home, it just isn’t in the cards for me.  And honesty, I don’t know what I would do with myself anyway.  Life has been this way for so long now, I don’t even know how to function without having 1242 things going. 
My work has been a little bit crazy.  With the approval of the infrastructure bill, there is a scramble to try to secure funds for a couple of large projects we have going.  This means changing a few of the things we are doing, dealing with more engineering and taking care of the ever present governmental paperwork.  I am happy that I have been at my job long enough to know how to manage the regulations without having to panic about it.   I am also happy that Evelyn hangs out with me for a couple hours in the mornings.  She is really good at keeping my priorities in line.  We must walk over to the post office - we must take care of banking.  And sure, it’s totally because she wants a sticker from the postmaster, and a sucker from the bank, but at least I don’t ever forget to go!  
And since I am watching Evie, that by default means I get an occasional baby snuggle.  This little baby is the most expressive thing I’ve ever seen.  No doubt what she’s thinking.  They are good for my soul!  

This week was homecoming week on the Trail.  I have zero kids playing football.  I have zero kids in high school band. I had zero reasons to worry about the activities that go along with HoCo.  Yesterday, they bussed the kids over to decorate downtown for the parade (it was Overbrook’s year to host the parade). My office door flies open and in walks Aunt Quincy!  Evelyn was thrilled because she wanted to help with the window painting.   Quincy told her that she was not decorating, she was there taking pictures with the yearbook staff.  She did take Evie to help take some pictures, but only after I agreed to braid her hair.  I am fairly certain that only about 4 photos were taken (Quincy’s take on it - why would you need more than that?).  Quincy then sat in my office because it was cool in there.   She is clearly a huge fan of her school and has all sorts of school spirit.  

I do thank Quincy for picking up Saige and Harper from the parade and community pep rally.  It saved them from getting bussed to Overbrook, then back to Carbondale and then literally right back to Overbrook to get home.  It was 95 degrees yesterday, and fairly miserable both at the pep rally (it was at the ballpark with zero shade) as well as on the buses (no a/c as the BOE made a decision that they could save money and we don’t really need it).   
Homecoming literally means that the  bus boss needs all the help he can get, so I spent my afternoon taking children to parades and waiting for them.  They did feed us tacos, so I guess that makes it worth it right?   I am always surprised at how children act.  When it was time to leave, there was one who refused to load up.   He was in Overbrook, he lives there. He was just going home.  Except nobody was there to sign him out, so he wasn’t allowed to do that.  So he ran.  First from his teacher, then from the principal.  And finally, the police.  There is a reason I just drive the bus.  If I was in charge of him, I promise you the adrenaline would have taken over, and he would have been tackled.  The worst part is that when handling it, the teachers literally hesitate because if you handle it wrong, you will be blamed, you may possibly lose your job. And the public is always watching, waiting to judge you.  Taking their complaints to social media rather than focusing on teaching their children to do better.  I saw several complaining posts last night.  Seriously?  What do you want them to do?   The complaining of one was because kids were hot.  Ok, you were told that they were attending an outdoor parade, you were told it was going to be hot. You allowed your child to come to school in long pants and a hoodie?  You didn’t reiterate the school’s pleas to send them with water bottles.  At what point is it the parent’s, or even the child’s responsibility?  Such ridiculous behavior from a 10-11 year old, such ridiculous behavior from society.  It is exhausting.    Sadly, probably 85% of the kids are good kids, with reasonable parents.  Of those, 5% have legitimate concerns.  The rest? Entitled, disgusting humans who should not have procreated.   How’s that for my opinion?  It doesn’t surprise me that teachers walk off the job, they cannot find adequate help for bussing, paras and other support staff.  Not in the least.   

And if you’re a grouchy, old, cynical bus driver, what should you do?   Stay home?  Oh heck no!  You should drive to a volleyball tournament to watch other people’s children play in their league tournament.  Why Hope?  Why would you do that?   Well….because the love of money is the root of al evil right?  Plus who doesn’t like a good volleyball game?   Or, I might have lost a bet with the bussing supervisor.  Who really knows what’s going on here. I was once asked in our house, which souse was the one who loves chaos.  I laughed and wholeheartedly took that one for the team.  .  

Monday, September 25, 2023

This weekend slapped

Slapping is a good thing. At least according to the teenage girls I live with.  We were running a bit low in the money department this weekend, I didn’t have to work, and I was full of projects I wanted to do.   Two days of going nowhere (except church) makes me excited no matter what.  
This is Mallory and her friend Erin.  Erin is getting married in a couple weeks.  Mallory is in the wedding.  Erin’s parents are friends of ours, and mayor Jon is Jim’s boss.  We love this family, and are excited and happy for Erin.  

Madison and Mallory took Camryn out for her birthday.  They went to the Boo lights at Ward Mead Park. (I think that’s what it is called).  Evie wasn’t having it.   She had to tag along!   They said it was fun.  Evie was telling me a little the big eye lights.  

Preston seems to be enjoying KSU so far.  He said he’s making friends, having a great time, loves going to the games, and classes are going well (except for perhaps chemistry which he said is difficult).  He also started door dashing which he says is working really well, and he is happy to have a schedule-less job.   Or at least a job where he controls his schedule.  Jim and I have been planning to go see him, but between his schedule and ours, we haven’t made it yet.  Luckily, he’s adapting well and isn’t terribly upset by our absence.  ;)

I have been enjoying the weather, the break from the air conditioning, and the beautiful fall sunrises.  Saturday morning, I planned to sleep in.  I have been working some weekends, and have to work again next weekend, so I wanted to sleep. Unfortunately, between old age, daily schedule controlling my brain, and Jim needing to get up to help with lake clean-up day at the city, I was up way earlier than I planned!   But this sunrise made it worth getting up!  It’s always amazing to me how each sunrise and sunset contain so much beauty, and no two are ever alike.  I also took a few moments to be thankful for where we live.   I truly love it here.  

We had Sunday dinner.  The boys went fishing.  The girls stayed home and made cinnamon rolls to go with the chili.  I love these kinds of days.  House full of people, kids playing, good food cooking, fun conversations about random topics.  It gives me a lot of joy.  I was also able to accomplish a lot of the things on my never ending to do list.  

Saige wanted her hair cut.  We literally did not cut the front at all, but we cut about 6 inches off the back and sides.  She was pretty upset that nobody really noticed.  I tried to explain that when you wear your hair pulled up, and don't change the front, it isn't all that noticeable if you cut a lot off, even though it fills big to you.  She was not pleased with my explanations.  

Madison joined my mom and I in bus driving world this year.  She has been driving vo-tech kids back and forth in a van. You don’t have to have a CDL for that.  Our boss still wanted her to get her cdl, and learn to drive a bus so that she can take a route, or sub, or do whatever other crazy junk he gets conned into.  Last week, she passed her written tests, and now has a learner’s permit for learning to drive the bus.  Yesterday, I took her out and we practiced going forward.  I remember when Colin took his cdl course at Barton County he told me that they learned to back up first.  The instructor told them if you can’t learn to back up, going forward won’t ever matter.   That CDL instructor was pretty smart, but in this case, I think going forward is a better place to start!  She did a great job of navigating corners, and of figuring out some of the buttons and switches.  We will have more time to practice, and will master going backwards before her test (although I may revert to grandam's help teaching her some mirror using mad back up skills).  Wrenley took her first bus ride, naked of course!  The girl hates wearing clothes!  

I love the age that Wrenley is now.  She is starting to coo, and smile, and make faces at you, and stays awake a little longer at a time, but still stays where you put her if you set her down someplace!  She is a sweet little baby!  Evelyn also went with us to teach her mom to drive the bus...she was full of advice, after all, she has been a "bus para" for like 4 years now!  

This week is filled with interesting weirdness and randomness.  I wish I could say I was looking forward to it, but I am just not.  I could use another couple days of being home with my peeps!  

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

I’ve seen better days

I woke up at 3 am panicking because I was convinced I overslept.  I could not get back to sleep.  When that happens I already know what kind of day I’m going to have.   Extra strong morning tea did nothing to take the tinge of fog off my periphery.  I hate that feeling. I am driving a bus load of not only my own kids, but everyone else’s precious little children too.  And yes that precious part was meant to read  with some sarcasm, because today was not a good day for my little friends. They were in full on a$$ mode today.  Some days are just like that.  Some days are made worse when you’re tired.  I’m not sure if it was one thing or the other, but nobody had it together today, and it set the tone for my entire day.  Yes, I know a positive attitude can change things. Blah blah blah.  Yes, I know that when I’m tired the whole world seems darker and I need to get more sleep. Tell my stupid brain that at 3 am.    Sorry. Small side tangent there.  So today wasn’t one of my finer days.  And as a result, I have a meeting in the morning where video will be pulled and there will be children who will probably be kicked off of the bus.  Normally I handle my own problems on the bus, but today- I wasn’t in the mood.  And frankly my way of handling them would have gotten me certain prison time, so I am leaving it to the video watching expert of the world - my boss.  I also  texted him rather than call for fear I would totally lose it.  The school is short handed this year.  For crap sakes they are handling one special Ed room with a virtual teacher.  Tell me that’s going to work?  One special Ed teacher ended up quitting this week. They have a para that is leaving.  I saw a news story this week blaming the children’s behavior on Covid.  I call BS.  It  sits squarely on the parents.  The ones who would rather run around  and act like they are teenagers  than hang with their kids.  The ones who would rather play on their phone than give their children consequences for their behavior.  The ones who think the schools are in charge of insuring the kids basic needs for food and love are met.   The ones who think it is funny for their kids to behave like little demon trolls.  Those parents.  Half the behaviors I see could be easily controlled with one single person in their lives who holds them accountable.   Gee, I don’t know why teachers are walking out.  I suppose I don’t have time for this tangent and you probably don’t want to read it anyway.   But for the love of all that a holy when will we start making people be responsible for their kids?   I say your kid needs a para all day for behavior issues?  You now have a job at the school as a para. Your kid can’t follow basic safety rules on a bus?  Congratulations you get to drive them to school yourself.  Your kid needs a special lunch?  You get to pack it.  Your kid has some medical condition you refuse to medicate them for?  They don’t get to attend school - you get to homeschool them.  And yea I firmly believe that every child has the right to an education, but I also firmly believe that unless something changes nobody will be getting an education, because we are spending all our time/resources/energy/abilities just simply trying to get the kids to be responsible for their own behaviors.  To respond when you talk to them.  To act like civilized human beings.  Ok enough of that.  Today wasn’t good. Tomorrow will be better.  

Getting to see these 2 little girls sure does make any day better though.  I love them.   

Cameron made me laugh a little. He said this is a picture he and his co-workers took to commemorate the only time this year they got out of a staff meeting on time.  I thought it was funny. Apparently his boss wasn’t really amused.  
I do have a couple of stories.  The first one - needs a small throwback review.  Remember 2 summers ago, on the night before Preston started his junior year, when he went to the lake with his friends, and his car was stolen?  Then subsequently totaled when it was crashed into a tree?   Yea.  That guy was ordered to pay Preston back for the car almost 2 years ago.  That never happened. Now we were notified that he had a hearing for revocation of his probation.  (Dude screwed up). So yesterday, I ran down to his hearing.  They had the hearing early.  Because of course they did.  He has now committed a felony in Franklin county, as well as in Shawnee county.  Added to his felonies for the night of Preston’s car drama, and he is a very naughty boy.  And a really bad criminal. The judge locked him up.  Buddy boy is going away for quite some time.  That doesn’t help Preston get paid, but the judge also ordered restitution. Which means Preston will be  given some or all of the money he makes in prison.  The court clerk told me it comes out to around 40 cents an hour, so I hope he is there a very, very long time, because at  that salary it  is going to take a while to get enough scraped up.   Preston seemed happy with the outcome.  It’s truly out of our hands. We could go to civil court, but he’s already ordered to pay it, and any money he gets they will garnish.  The problem is unless he’s in prison working there, I seriously doubt he will ever have an actual job.  Civil court would be a waste of time and money I think.  

Secondly another car drama story.  Early this year we helped Quincy buy a little Subaru.  Quincy loves her car and has taken meticulous care of it.  A couple weeks ago, the transmission stated  shifting weird. Andrew and Preston put a new solenoid in there, but it didn’t help.  The guy we bought it from has his mechanic work on it, but that too failed.  She has been driving my Nissan, which isn’t a big deal because this time of the year I mostly drive around in buses, but she hates borrowing and especially hates the gas mileage it gets.   Enter a friend Quincy has.  Her friend Joe’s parents helped him get a new car.  They told Quincy they would sell her his old car for a very, very cheap price.  Almost unbelievably cheap.  The car is not the prettiest thing,  but it is by far not the worst car either.  Heck, it’s not even the worst car she has owned!     So she bought a little car to get by until she can decide what to do with the Subaru.  She is leaning towards fixing it, as Mr. Clawson (the vineyard boss) and Colin have offered to help.  I think it might be a good experience for her to learn some stuff about mechanics, but also it may take a while, so I am very thankful to Joe’s parents for helping her out.  I did text to thank them and Joe’s mom told me that she just loves Quincy and is so thankful for her being friends with her son.   She called Quincy a good influence.    I checked to make sure she had the right Quincy. Kidding. Only kidding.  Quincy is reformed  now - no more trouble and she saves her craziness for home.  Also for the record, no they are not dating. Just really good friends. 

When I have one of them days, I look forward to coming home and verbally abusing Jim.  Just kidding.  But he does tend to let me vent my frustrations and lends a sympathetic ear.  He also occasionally offers

to “take care of” people for me - which I don’t take him up on.  I can handle my own garbage - no need for him to also go to prison. Tonight, he had some sort of craziness in a planning and zoning issue and isn’t home yet.  Instead of me venting to him, I spent time fishing leaves from the pool and hanging out in the barn.  Life is always better in the barn.  (And healthier than making life better in the bar).   Harper and Saige are very helpful and I appreciate it!   We got everything finished, and are vegging  in our pj’s.  At least the end of the day feels better!   Here’s to sleeping, nicer attitudes, bus kick off sheets, ponies and barbecue bowls.  

Monday, September 18, 2023

Weekends were made for?

Ideal weekends for me are for Relaxing and family time.    And a little work thrown in there too.  Catching up, and baby snuggles.  Laundry and a cat nap, impromptu sleep overs with friends, house loaded with people.  And as weekends go, we accomplished a lot of my ideals.  Not all, because there were a few kids missing, but I did talk/text with all of them so that is a bonus!  
It was actually better than it was supposed to be.  I had agreed to driving junior high volleyball.  I was told I would be making 3-4 trips back and forth to Perry, but as they talked more about the timing, a decision was made to utilize vans instead of a bus.  I was asked if it hurt my feelings to not go.   I had to laugh - telling me to stay home could never hurt my feelings.  
With Saturday freed up, I decided to ride to the airport on Friday night with Jim.  Andrew was in Vegas all last week, and his flight landed at 12:45 AM.  Jim had agreed to getting him so that Madison didn’t have to drag the girls to KC in the middle of the night.   Jim and I had not been to KCI since they built the new airport.  I wasn’t immediately a fan of the new layout, but then I remembered it was new, I hadn’t used it before and the first time doing so I had been up for literally 20 hours, it was dark, raining, and I was a little bit tired.  I’ll reserve my judgment for a different day!  We did easily find Andrew, and safely delivered him back to his girls!  We got home at 3:30 AM.  I teased Jim that we hadn’t been out that late in a very, very long time.  Then he reminded me of the night a few weeks ago when we scraped the laminate off Mallory’s basement floor.  I guess it isn’t that we don’t get out, it’s that we need to re-evaluate our late-night fun!   

I was overjoyed to get some time in with the girls this weekend! I love these little granddaughters of ours!  This one is growing up too fast!  She is starting to smile and trying to roll over!  They just refuse to stay little!  

Mallory is in a friend's wedding in a few weeks.  This was bachelorette party weekend.  I think she had fun, and we got the grand dogs.  She was happy that they were extremely tired after hanging out with us!  Lazy Daisy slept for 12 hours straight!  :)  She was outside with us while Jim cut brush, and we worked together to pile it up and burn it.  This time. we were extremely cautious with the fire!  Our outside work was interrupted with a little storm and some rain, which is very much needed.  Unfortunately, the plan was that when we were done with the brush, we were going to get in the pool and finish cleaning/take out the steps for the winter.  With the storm, we didn't get that done, however it is supposed to be 90 this afternoon, so the girls and I can tackle it!  They have no school today, so I think we should have time!  

The girls were extremely happy to have their daddy back!  Evie told me she got some chocolate coins that he brough back for her, so she was really happy!  

This weekend also held some sadness for us as well, as Aunt Florence passed away.  Aunt Florence was my grandma Shirley's sister.  She is going to be missed!  She and Uncle Fred were always around when my grandma was alive.  They had an RV, and would commonly roll into town and stay a few days in grandma's driveway.  They used to show up to do projects.  Things like building garage shelving units.  Once, they stopped by my house for me to cut her hair, and the kids took Uncle Fred into our basement.  Seeing that we had no handrail, Uncle Fred left, and then a couple hours later, was back with all the supplies to ensure that we had proper handrails for safety!  Aunt Florence was always cooking up some amazing food.  When you would ask for the recipe, she would laugh and pull some box out to show you that she had heated something up but added her own spices to it.  It always sort of cracked me up.  My grandma and her siblings were like nobody I know.  They were friends, they legitimately enjoyed being together, and literally had a party for every single holiday.  They always celebrated together - New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, they had a huge sleepover party - we used to crash on the floor and then wake up to all of them cooking insane amounts of food, kids everywhere and all of them visiting for hours.  They never seemed to get tired of being together.  It gave me a lifelong love of family.  They set the idea that as long as you have family, you will have a group to have parties with!  I will miss Aunt Florence, and I truly believe that there is one hell of a card game going on somewhere in heaven.  Probably complete with accusations of cheating.  Rest in Peace Aunt Flo!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Dog bday?

Mallory texted me yesterday to tell me not to forget  to post about it being Olive’s birthday on my blog.   Ummmm what?   She’s apparently my  granddog and it is important that she not be left out.   She was born 4 years ago in my basement.    Right. Okie dokie.  Mallory even provided the photos for the blog post!   She also brought pup cakes to my house to share with all of Olive’s best friends.  Alrighty then.  Happy Birthday Olive Oyl.   Thanks for always giving us a reason to play fetch.  
She really is a good dog, albeit a little bit high maintenance.  We do like knowing if Mallory were to be abducted, the dog would probably trip the abductor with a tennis ball and lick them to death.  

A little scarecrow story.  Last week, the Overbrook Pride president (I think?) stopped me on the street to see if I would mind decorating "my" flower pot for fall.  The summer flowers were about dead, and the Pride thought it would be fun if each merchant downtown decorated their own pots, and they were asking if we could do something maybe with scarecrows.  I told her sure, I would be happy to, and went on about my day.  A little later, it dawned on me that I don't really have much in the way of actual decorating skills, and that what I would like to put out for fall (scary Halloween decor) is probably not what they had in mind.  My brain went to old hairdressing mannequin covered in blood and gore, tied up with scary scarecrow including a machete.  Probably not what Pride wanted.  My next thought was that I have a friend whose husband is on the transplant list for new lungs.  They are having to travel to St. Louis repeatedly, and I the waiting is hard.  They have continually offset costs by having some fundraisers, and currently, they were selling some cute little scarecrows that they made.  So I contacted her, and she said she had 1 left!  I told her no - you have none left, because I want him!  I made arrangements that included the scarecrow being left with Jim at his office.  I would have the best pot!  I was going to win the pot decorating contest, that doesn't actually exist anywhere except in my mind.  (My children making everything into a competition did not solely come from Jim).  After 4-H, I stopped by Jim's office to pick up my newest exciting purchase.  The thing is huge!  Like 2 1/2 feet tall!  And adorable!  Jim immediately went into "hey - this guy is really, really cool, and I really like it, but I fear if you put him downtown in a pot, he is going to be stolen!"  I hate when Jim is right.  It annoys me, but in this case, I didn't even argue because I didn't want him in a pot downtown, I wanted him on my front porch!  Problem - still don't have a scarecrow for the pot!  

Mallory happened to be at my house, and I was telling her about my scarecrow problems.  She offered to have her 1st grade class do some team building activity, and make me some scarecrows.  I told her if they weren't cute, I would reject them, because I am winning the non-existent pot decorating contest.  She assured me she would make the cutest scarecrows ever, and that I would be happy!   She would even laminate them for me so they could be outside!  I agreed, not because I was convinced it was a good plan, but because I am....well....lazy!  :)  Why would I want to put any effort into something if I can get a bunch of 6 and 7 year olds to do it for me?  

I did give credit to them.  I love how my little pot and display turned out!  So cute.  Thank you Mallory and kids!  You may have a permanent job in pot decorating.  

Sunday, September 10, 2023

12 hours later….

I left my house yesterday morning at 6:50 a.m.   I pulled back in for the day at 7:02 p.m.    I never knew a volleyball tournament could last so long.  
The good part was I was able to complete all of the year end paperwork for the 4-H club which saved me a meeting today.   The bad part was I was getting texts from everyone who was out having all sorts of fun and I was jealous!   Preston was at the KSU game.  Lauren and Cameron were at the LSU game.  People were texting me about amazing food they were having.  It was hard to stay at volleyball when everyone was having fun!   I actually do enjoy watching volleyball - so it wasn’t all bad!  
I had promised Evie I would go to the Huff ‘n Puff balloon rally with her last night.  Madison and  Mallory were meeting at my house and we were car pooling.  I kept having to text to move the time back over and over again!   At one point, I told them they could go without me, but they decided to wait!   Madison brought dinner over for the girls and Jim.  I drove in, went to the bathroom and hopped into the car and we took off.  We made it, but not before having a major fiasco over entering the event, and making Evie cry when I couldn’t get in due to them blocking the entrance with a police car!   

We sent Madison on to McDonalds because Wrenley was howling, and I broke into the vendor’s gate area and parked.  That parking was actually amazing - we only had to walk about 20 feet to see the balloons.  I’m sure I am on some security footage and Kansas most wanted list, but seriously, closing the gates during the event so that people can’t get in is a stupid, idiotic thing to do.  And if you make my grandkid cry, you’ll see me lose it.   

We not only got her in, we managed to get several trading cards and she got to get into the carpet one balloon basket.  She loved that!   I do love this event, and so do some of my kids.  Some of the kids went along but don’t love it, and some think the whole thing is not worth the trouble.  Jim and Andrew decided to go fishing while we were gone!   Such party poopers!  .  

We didn’t stay a really long time, but as we were leaving, Evie  wanted to see if she could get one more trading card.  Not only did she get one, but the balloonists let her get in their basket!   She looks pretty scared (she said the fire is hot and loud) but she was so excited about it!  To make up for being late, and not getting to stay very long, I took everyone to get a late dinner at McDonald’s.  I even took mercy on the old girl who refused to go, and brought her home French fries!   Jim and Andrew had fun fishing, and I was happy I got to do at least one fun thing on a nice Saturday!!  

Wrenley was happy to get some milk!   

Today is the only day I have off for the next 2 weeks.  I know I should have worked myself a lot harder than I did today,  but I also needed some down time I think!   As a result of not working as hard as I should, I am still awake, waiting for the washer and dryer so we have clean clothes for this week.  We did accomplish a few things!  Andrew is attending some training conference in Vegas, so Madison took him to the airport, and I watched the girls.  I got some snuggle time in, and GG also snuck over for some baby time!  While GG was here to help, Evie and I made a couple of witches for the end of the driveway!  They didn’t turn out quite like the TikTok video I saw, but we think they are cute.  Jim ran all my errands for me, and got groceries.  I am so thankful, because last weekend we grabbed just basic stuff and we were right back to nothing in the cabinets staple wise.  If he had been unwilling, we would be really having some weird meals this week!   
We had Sunday dinner, and I told Evie we better swim one last time.  The weather is supposed to be drastically cooler this week, and the water is really starting to cool down from lows in the 50’s and  60’s overnights.  I’m guessing the relaxing in the pool afternoons are done for this year.  I did get in with her, but didn’t last very long!   Too cold for this old lady!  Evie and Harper lasted quite a while.  Jim said he will help me figure out ordering a cover, and we will winterize the pool in the next couple weeks.  I will now start walking for exercise again until it gets too cold for that.   I will miss the pool until I can open her again next spring!  

Look how sad she looks all empty!   Saddest day of the year!   
But, time marches on, and I’m ready to embrace fall activities and cooler weather.  My favorite part is when we can turn off the air conditioning and take a break from the electric bill (sorry Colin).  
Weekend over - laundry 1 Hope - zero.  House clean?  Nope!  Halloween decor up?  YES!   Do what makes you happy!