Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fishing derby

No opening ceremony would be complete without a ribbon cutting!

Preston caught 3 nice sized fish, this was the first which was 17 inches long.

Colin had a much slower day than he would have liked, but he did reel in this 18 inch really big beauty! He also technically caught the first fish in the new pond, however he forgot to wait until the whistle blew, so it didn't count!

Cam had a great time - but I never saw any of the fish he caught because he decided it was too crowded where we were fishing (I decided between my bladder and Quincy being new to potty training we should stay on the side of the pond near the bathrooms).

The girls had not wanted to fish today, but both ended up taking turns trying to help Quincy, who is not a patient fisherman.

Luckily, every kid got a medal today - even the ones who caught ZERO fish and destroyed her pole....but we aren't mentioning any names!
Every successful marriage I believe, is successful because there is open communication, love and people understand their own roles in the marriage. Today, Jim was very busy with helping run this derby, but I also want to point out that fishing is Jim's department. I am not afraid of touching a fish, a worm, liver etc, I am not squeemish of any of these things, but Jim really likes fishing and he knows how to do it well. I on the other hand, after 15 minutes am pretty well done, ready to go home, I do not understand the whole idea of standing around for hours trying to catch a fish that may or may not want to be caught. Jim is fully in charge of the fishing duties in our household!

1 comment:

  1. your favorite daughterSeptember 5, 2009 at 4:44 PM

    Mom, if you have to mention why you had to stake out somewhere do not mention ur bladder, thanks!
