Thursday, August 4, 2011

Carlos and VBS

Tuesday night, Colin spent the night with his friend in Carbondale. I picked him up after work yesterday. About halfway home, Colin says to me "mom, how much do you love me?" Alarm bells -- I said - well that depends - what did you break? At this point he reaches into his backpack and pulls out this:

A tiny little black ball of fur! COLIN! I screamed - what on earth made you put a cat in your backpack? We have to take him back! Colin says NO mom please - his name is Carlos - can't I keep him? Please?
So in my infinite wisdom, I say to him - tell you what - you take him home and show your dad (who would be home for lunch) and if daddy says yes then I don't care. (Knowing full well that Jim was never going to allow him to keep the cat - smart parenting - let daddy be the bad guy!!)

Jim took one look at him and said he guessed he didn't care if Colin kept the cat....and then followed it with a lecture on the proper way to ask for something!

It hasn't taken long for this little ball of fur to invade our house and our hearts! He is probably too tiny to take from his mom. He can't eat solid food, which means that Colin has suckered his sisters into getting up a few times a night to feed the cat warm milk! Harper spent the past 24 hours being a little wigged out by him - she isn't sure if she likes him or not. If she pets him it is ok, but if he follows her around, or mews at her at all - well that is just NOT fine! She spends a lot of her time saying "No No cat!"
And the friend's mom called me - to apologize! She then added that Colin wasn't supposed to bring home a cat, he was supposed to smuggle a goat! I am pretty sure I would have noticed that?!?

Preston and Quincy have been attending Vacation Bible School at the Methodist Church this week. Madison has been volunteering there, and they all three have been having a great time! The theme is "Shake it up Cafe - following God's recipe for your life." They have been doing tons of cooking, and food experiments, and talking about bible stories where there were feasts or meals served. It has been a lot of fun and pretty interesting!
And they were very proud of the chef hats and aprons that they made!

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