Sunday, August 21, 2011

Out of the pot and into the fire

With the fair over, I thought we could enjoy a little bit of down time before school starts, but as usual, I was reminded I don't get paid to think!

Here are the fair poster photos that I decided should be added to the blog so that someday when these kids are long out of 4-H but the little ones are still in, I could perhaps recycle some ideas!

Madison's Leadership Poster:

Cameron's Sport Fishing poster:
Cam's champion bee display:

Mallory's Citizenship and Leadership posters:

And Colin's champion sport fishing poster:

Cameron helped show some goats, he really loves goats!

We had exactly one day off of activities and then Cameron had football camp for his youth team, and Colin started Jr. High practices.

My calendar was looking unfamiliarly blank, but never fear, it is now full of practice schedules, game schedules, marching band schedules, and multiple fundraisers for the girls CWF trip! I knew that a blank calendar around here never lasts long!

Mallory and Madison also were invited to go to dinner at our priest's house this week to talk about a post-confirmation youth group. They did not want to go. I made them. They ended up having a nice time, and although they would NEVER admit it, I think they are interested in what Fr. Anthony is planning for a youth group! How could it possibly be a bad thing to be involved in this? Anyhow we will have to see what the future holds! I had promised them that they did not have to go to RE anymore once they made their confirmation, but to me this is different! This could actually be fun! I would sure hate for them to have any kind of fun!

Colin spent the weekend with a friend at a lake in KC. He just returned home, and said he is exhausted but had a great time. He is actually excited about starting school this coming week. I never thought I would see the day when he wanted to go back to school!

With just a couple days left of summer break, I guess we will be going back to school shopping, and trying to give Mallory one more chance to pass her driving exam! It is looking like it will be a fun week ahead!

I hate to see summer break end, but we have had a fun summer, made a lot of memories, and spent exactly enough time bonding as a family! Time to get back on a schedule!

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