Thursday, April 19, 2012

one of those weeks

This has been one of those weeks. The ones where you don't dare look at tomorrow, for fear of a total overload. One day at a time is all I can do! It is hard for me because I have a little OCD when it comes to planning out everything! I am trying to focus on today, and not get to obsessed with what I have to do later! Colin, Cameron, Preston and Quincy have all started summer ball practices. There are only about 18 days of school left, so there is a ton of year end stuff going on, with field trips, and field days, and last concerts and year end projects. Not that my kids would ever put off a year end project until the end of the year mind you!
Saige has taken it all in stride, and seems to even enjoy the running around!

Colin had his 8th grade spring concert tonight. He says this is the last band concert he will ever be in. We won't sell his trumpet in case he ever changes his mind! He seems to be a pretty good trumpet player (one of my requirements for dropping out is to prove to me that he actually knows how to play the darn thing, and he does!). He just really doesn't like it all that much! Mallory tried to tell him high school band is a lot of fun, but Colin just isn't buying it!

The gang's all here now. We finally got all the hogs purchased for this year.

Colin and Cam got blue butt hogs. This makes quite a few different classes they can be in at the fair, which makes me very happy - showing is hard enough without having to compete against your siblings!

Now if we can get them all to grow to 230+ pounds and stay alive, we will be in business!

We did find us a good pig helper! My nephew loves these guys almost as much as Quincy does!

I will have to wait to announce Colin and Cameron's pig names, they aren't finalized yet!

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