Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend Recap

 We had a fun, busy, crazy weekend.  Jim, Cam and Preston were treated to box seats at the KSU game, where they had a great time watching the Cats kick some tail!  They had such a great time, but there were a few sad people in the house since they visited Call Hall without us! 
 While the guys were at K-State, the girls were attending Band Day at another university which is closer, but not as cool.  They had a good time, and were very impressed with the band there.  They both got sunburned beyond belief though!  They were exceptionally happy with their band teacher, who ordered them new marching uniforms.  The old uniforms were the typical wool ones with capes and ridiculous hats.  The new ones are just wind suits....they reported to me that they had the best uniforms of all the bands there!  Probably the coolest band teacher too!! 
 While the girls were marching and the boys were cheering the Cats on, Colin and I went to the first of many fundraisers for his CWF trip.  We worked at a crazy concession stand at the Ottawa demolition derby.  Honestly, we got the easy shift, as nobody was very intoxicated that early, and mostly we just helped set up and get food going.  I will keep this in mind for next year (and the next year when it is Cam's turn!). 
 Sunday, Madison cooked food to take to work and share with her co-workers.  She also shared some with the other kids.  She said she would have to sneak the food into work however, due to the large numbers of diabetic residents! 

 We tried to clean the house and do laundry, but sort of failed and broke the washer in the process.  Luckily, I was able to get ahold of the repairman, and they will be looking into it soon. 
 Saige had a good time watching the kids clean out the car.  I felt a little bit of concern when I realized that Jim's trunk contained a chainsaw, shovel, a bag of quick crete, and some other miscellaneous tools.  I asked him if I should worry about his extra curricular activities!  :) 
We had a good weekend, but had to come back to work in order to sit down for a little bit!  It is a momentary short break though, as the week is looking a little bit nutty!

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