Friday, March 29, 2013

Look what we did....

 Once in a while Jim and I live a life of reckless abandon.  Yesterday, we went to a foreclosure auction and I placed the winning bid.  No fear, we had actually looked through the house thank you to our awesome realtor.  The house is is really like 2 houses connected together, but we found it strangely appropriate for our big family.  It definitely needs some TLC, and a good airing out (the former owners were apparently very big smokers) but I think with a little carpet and a whole lot of paint it will be an awesome place for us to live. 

 The house has a barn and a little weird garage shed.  It sits on 10 acres outside of town.  When I say outside of town, I mean 8 miles out....which is a little further than we really wanted, but I did get a great deal on it, so we are super excited!  Of course, it is cautious excitement because the bank who owns it has a week to accept my bid or not.  We are back to waiting!

 The smile on Jim's face all the way home made it worth the risk!  I took this photo from the back yard.  When we were out there Monday night, 3 deer came right out of the trees onto the back patio.  I thought this was cool, but I may  not like it so much when they are eating in my garden!  :)  The little kids were thrilled to find that there is a creek running through the back yard, and immediately went exploring and were through the roof with excitement about moving out there.  The big kids....well the last move is still to fresh in their minds!  We won't be able to take possession for at least a month, and after that we have probably another few weeks of work to do before we move in .  We are aiming for summer break....hopefully the big guys will be rested up and ready to go again by then!  Colin and Jim are also pretty excited that it is right by Pomona Lake.  They see all sorts of evenings of fishing in their future.  I have news for them - there will be no fishing until my projects are finished!! 
Since we have been moved, I have gotten a little behind on the laundry.  Do you think this is a violation of child labor laws?  She is the only willing helper I have in the laundry department!  :)

1 comment:

  1. exciting!!!!
    Your laundry room looks better than mine by the way... remember the newspaper in the corner in college... mine looks like that only it is the mountains of clothing, not newspaper!
